Chapter One-Introduction

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My hair fluttered in front of me as I sighed in my calculus class.

Mr. Weaser was going on some nonsensical rant about college, about how we needed to get great scores on our SAT's and work hard...whatever dude.

Beside me my best friend was diligently working on her paper as she grasped onto every single letter the teacher poured out of his mouth, she was a major teacher's pet. Slowly turning to the person in front of me I stared at the back of his curly, brown hair against his olive skin.

His name was Brent Henderson, he had been attending my high school for a little over a month with his two older brothers and younger sister. The Henderson brothers could pass off as triplets, all with a strong jawline, same facial hair, body build, hair color and type. They had moved from Tennessee to Idaho; their southern accents and lingo were subtle but charming. His two older brothers were popular almost right away, both of them are a part of our football team and have a posse of people following them in the hallways. They are also major fuckboys. They go to parties every chance they can, have a new side piece every week, and they can't help but flirt with every girl-but still pretty nice guys.

Brent on the other hand...well.

He was sulking constantly, always in trouble with the teachers, quiet, reserved. Came to school because he had to, and left; nothing more and nothing less. He mostly just followed behind his brothers or hung out with his best friend Chase, who is the exact opposite of him. I had just about every class with him.

The bell rang and I snapped from my thoughts, quickly gathering my things I made my way to the hallway with the rest of the crowd. Stepping out I felt my stomach drop as I saw his blonde hair above the sea of people. He turned to me and smiled with his thin lips pulling at his cheeks. He made his way through everyone and embraced me in an awfully tight hug. It burned my skin. His broad shoulders were pressed against my head and his pelvis was unusually close to mine.

"Hi babe. How was class?"


His large, calloused hands grasped mine and he led me down the hallway.

"Want to hang out after school?" He asked as he said hello to his friends.

I took a deep breath and was suddenly aware of my heavy eyelids resting on my eyes and my emotionless face as looked off into nothing "Yeah sure."

"Sweet" He said and smiled down at me with his blue eyes and round face.

I gave a meek smile back and turned into science class.

He was the star quarterback of Brinton High School, the senior class president, president of national honor society, a constant volunteer at our community outreach center, the perfect flawless golden boy of Brinton and my boyfriend-Caleb Briggs.

And I absolutely, entirely despised him.


Hi readers! How do you like my intro? Thoughts? 




Pierced Lanthum

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