Chapter Two-Aggression

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I climbed into his red Tacoma and placed my bag at my feet. Scooting towards the window I sit with my hands between my legs and watch him in the mirror as he walks to the drivers side. I take a deep breath.

He gets in and starts his truck "Gimme a kiss."

Turning to him I had to contain an internal shutter as my lips met his mine, I hated everything about his body. I hated feeling his skin on mine. Pulling back I smiled and turned on the Bluetooth for music. Continuing with small talk we started the drive to his house.

My parents love Caleb, my siblings love Caleb, the teachers love Caleb, the students love Caleb, the town loves Caleb. He is the definition of a golden boy, everything he does is right and everything he does is perfect. My parents wanted me to date him so bad when he asked me to prom they practically told him yes for me. My mom pushes me to go everywhere with him, to hang out with him, to be attached to him by the hip. I just don't like being with him.

You're just being dumb.

He is perfect. He is smart, strong, charismatic, pays for everything, friendly, responsible. He is everything a girl wants in a boyfriend.

I picked my nails as we drove, I gnawed on the inside of my cheek as my knee bounced up and down. We pulled into his driveway and I headed inside. He walked in after me and looked around. "Looks like nobody is home." He winked, "You know what that means."

"That's gross." I say bluntly

He laughs, "I'm just joking."

"I'm going to go change" Taking my clothes from my bag for Community Outreach (CO) I headed to the bathroom. Since Brinton is relatively a small town located in the Idaho forest with only one high school and nothing to do there are lots of teenagers who smoke, drink, party, vandalize-so a woman in the community rented out a small office and turned it into a hangout for us to gather every friday and eat some food, watch a movie, and play some games. It's pretty fun.

Slipping off my jeans I put my foot in my leggings.

Abi should be there, Michael too.

I wonder if B...

Whipping my head I slam my hand against the door as the door handle wiggles from side to side "What are you doing?" I exclaim.

"Oh come on, why'd you lock it?" Caleb whines from the other side.

"I'm changing!?"

I can hear the smile in his voice "Okay and-i'm just joking anyways. I'll turn on The Office."

I hear his footsteps recede into the hallway-frozen I slowly slide down and sit on the floor for a minute. I look around the bathroom with not a single thought in my head, empty I slowly put on my shirt and after a minute I stand back up and finish changing. Is that normal? He was just joking. Maybe this is just what boys do in a relationship, it was harmless anyways since I had the door locked. Nothing happened.

Unlocking the door I put my things back in my bag and join him in his bedroom and sit on his bed. An arm hooks around my shoulder and pulls me into his chest, laying down he has a hand on my thigh and a hand over my shoulders. I can feel my body stiffen and I lie completely still for the rest of the night.


"Caleb!" I hear his friends call from the couches, jumping over the back of the couch they immediately start a conversation and walk with him to the kitchen. Following him I stop at the entrance and spot my best friend Abi sitting on one of the couches. "Hey Abi!" I call and start my way over to her.

"Hey girl! Come sit with me, we're watching Shrek tonight. I think Michael will join us. I brought blankets do you want one?"

I laugh, I feel my body relax into the couch "Of course I want a blanket, where's Michael? Also Mrs. Heckathorn is pissing me off, for real. What's up with all of these essays?"

Her face lights up and she throws her hands into the air "Right?! I'm like what the fuck I have a life outside of your class you dummy."

Smiling I scan the room for other people I know, the commotion of CO is deafening as some boys wrestle on the floor, an intense ping pong game is happening in the room behind me and I see people running in and out of the hallway in front of me.

"I'm going to kill you! You fucking jackass!"

Tori, the woman who hosts CO whips around in her seat "Brent you watch your language!" She yells as he sprints from the hall chasing after Chase into the kitchen. My eyes follow him in the short few seconds he is in my line of sight. His brown hair cascades over his face and his white teeth shine from underneath his wide smile that seems to reach his ears.

I giggle as Tori shakes her head and laughs "It's a madhouse in here tonight!"

"Tori, it's always a madhouse here." I reply with a shake of my head.

"I think Michael's in the back let's go say find him" Abi says as she bounds over the row of couches facing the t.v and makes her way to the back.

In fear of tripping I cautiously make my way down the hallway to the backroom, weaving through the bodies of students and making sure not to make a fool of myself I finally make it down the dark hallway to the backroom that consists of a couch, chair, and a small t.v. Michael is sitting on top of his friends and immediately turns to us "Oh my God, Heyy!" Hopping up he gives us both a quick hug and crashes on the couch, patting the cushion next to us for him to sit on. Thankfully Abi opts to sit on his lap so I can sit in the last remaining spot. Just as I get comfy Brent breathlessly runs into the room and turns around, preparing himself for Chase's attack as he too rounds the corner into the room.

"AH!" Chase calls out as he jabs Brent in the shoulder.

Soon they are wrestling like two bears as they throw each other about and howl in laughter as they pin one another in awkward positions.

"Take it somewhere else, please! What is going on here?" Michael says and snorts.

They both stand up breathless and grinning "I'm done, I'm tired as fuck." Chase wheezes out, Brent agrees with a nod.

Both crash on the floor, leaning against the door frame with one leg bent and another stretched out Brent takes some deep breaths. Shifting his eyes to me he lingers for a moment before turning back to Chase, holding out his hand Chase shoves his hand into his pocket and throws a vape onto Brent's lap. Taking another look at me he takes a long hit and nods at me "Want it?"

His red lips are slightly parted as he catches his breath, some of his brown curls stick to his glistening forehead, his shirt is rolled up and his toned forearms are resting beside him. The bottom of his neck and his chest are slightly glistening from sweat. I wonder what his chest looks like without his shirt on...

Quickly shaking my head I politely refuse and turn to Abi as my cheeks turn hot.

The first two words Brent has ever said to me, and it's to offer me a vape. I slightly smile at the silly thought and suddenly become very invested in Abi's and Chase's conversation.

From the corner of my eye Brent hasn't taken his eyes off of me, giving it back to Chase he keeps his stare on me until finally pulling away.

Caleb appears in the doorway "Hey guys"

Michael and Abi gladly welcome him and squish away from me to offer him a seat "Oh no it's okay, sit on my lap." He is standing in front of me, waiting for me to move. As he sits down I sigh and stare blankly at the wall in front of me as my ass hits his legs-his hands quickly grip onto my thighs. Brent immediately stands up and is already walking out of the door "I'm going to get water, want some Chase."

"I'll come with you, see ya Caleb." Chase waves with a smile and disappears with Brent down the hall.

I let out another sigh and sit straight in Caleb's lap.

I am now bored again.

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