The Moment I Knew: Prologue

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Hey guys! This is my next story and I hope you'll support me through it.

This story is inspired and dedicated to one of my closest friend in high school:

Dane, thank you so much for inspiring me and opening up to me and I hope you'll get your happily ever after soon. Thank you so much for believing and letting me share your story in the world. Love you!

Just so you know, this is based in the real life story but I added some twist in it.

I hope you'll like it.





Copyright © - All Rights Reserved 2013



"I Love him," I cried on his shoulder, making his shirt wet but he didn't complain instead he remained still, listening to my weeps and cries.

"I wish, I didn't. I wish I never did," I continued.

My shoulders were shaking, I can feel my cheeks puffing and I'm sure my eyes are already red from all the lost tears.

"Shhh. It's okay. Just let it all out," he murmured in my hair.

"No it's not okay. It's never been okay. It hurts a lot." I sobbed as I can still feel the heavy pain in my chest.

"This is so hard. I can't let go. I want to but I can't," I continued. My inner pain was unbearable. I feel like I wanted to die, to escape from this nightmare. I want just want to run away from all of this. But I know I can never do it. I have no choice but to face it.

"Everything will be okay." He continued to comfort me. But that's the problem. Nothing will be okay.


What would you do when there's a fire inside of you and the person that ignited it was in front of you.....asking how to let his crush like him back and the person he's talking about wasn't you?

What would you do when you're hoping for him to fulfil his promise and he never did?

How would you keep the heartache when the person who caused it never knew?

What would you do when the person who means the most to you is the one hurting you the most unknowingly?

And that was the moment I knew I realized a lot of things.


[Chapter 1 of the story starts on the next page]

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