Chapter 33: Waiting For The Bird To Sing

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   It was a Nightmare,worst then ever seen. Things were telling me not to believe that its no way to get my wife back. Part of me did not want to give up not attempting to save my wife. I know what i saw and i know what have to be done. A mission was set for me and every one. Evil thoughts was saying that she was fine dead she was going to die because of her health anyway so why waist your time saving her. Mathew said we have to get out of this place we have found foot prints in the ground that can possibly be Anabel's. Mathew, Mala, Sam, The Scientist, and Jason and I were ready we all loaded the cars and trucks ready for anything to be thrown at us. All the soldiers were dead killed by the zombies most of them fought hard but, ended with a death that brought tears. We have to go we have one of the Tracker device Jason spent most of his time building and designing.

     Thank you, we have a better chance then finding her instead of looking on the ground for foot prints. The device had a heat detector installed with heat signatures showing if the foot print was their for a while or a short period of time. Red shows the temperature of high. Blue showed the temperature of low. The device was the first i ever seen in my life. I hate when I'm not told about whats going on but, i wasn't mad anymore because it shows that he really want to find my wife. Me and Jason was in the car together with Sam in the back seat. Everyone else were in the other vehicles. Jason holding the device on the road seeing where it lead. It was  easy because it seemed like she was only walking or running on the road so it was pretty neat. It seemed like we were going to find her faster then i thought.

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