after party

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-y/ns pov-

as me and abbie were walking around making sure everyone was happy we slowly made our way over to peter, "hey peter... have you seen alex at all??" i asked as i haven't seen him since he quickly departed form the beginning of the after party. but before he could answer i quickly got pulled away by abbie so we could dance to i will survive. "ok now im starting to worry as i haven't seen him in over 2 hours" i trailed off at the end as i saw someone quickly leave the area, now normally i wouldn't bother to be suspicious but as its someone i didn't know i quickly excused myself from abbie and trailed after the person as "hey are you ok, i saw you leave the party and i just wanted to see if you were alright" i asked the figure but as i didn't know what or even who the were i was skeptical so i made sure my mutation couldn't be weaken but when they turned around i saw it was my adoptive mother?! "why the hell are you here?!?!" i yelled at the top of my lungs but before i could comprehend what was happing she lunged at me and she got me down, "HEY get off her" mother yelled while activating her goddess form and running towards my adoptive mother but before she could hit her she dispersed into smoke.

"what the hell?! since when did that woman have a mutation!!"i heard abbie yell to peter, who buy the looks of it was pissed. but all i could do was sit up and just rock back and forward, well that was until Allison came back with a note "um, guys i think i know why we haven't seen alex since the end of the wedding..."she showed the note to me and my mum and all i could do was breakdown, my dad just came down to my level and embraced me. everyone just stood there until peter and abbie both spoke up but peter spoke first "we need to make a plan, to get alex back and i think someone is going to have to carr-" before he could finish everything just went to black and i could feel my body go limp.

-alexs pov-

when i woke up i was in a dark room with only one light source and i could feel chains around my wrists and ankles "well well well, look who finally decided to wake up" somebody said but i couldn't see who as they were in the darkest part of the room. "who's there!" i yelled trying to act confident but there was a slight feeling of fear in the back of my head "ok jeez you don't need to yell, its a very echoey room, ok?" they said sarcastically and i felt my eyes roll. "oh good he's awake" i heard a woman say, 'i know that voice but where fr-,no i cant be'  i thought to myself "i really don't know what he sees in y/n... but he isn't to bad looking to be honest" alexandra (adoptive mother) mumbled to herself, "Anyway, to get to the point, i... lets say i borrowed you to get something i need, to get back at logan and m/n as-" but before she could finish i interupted her "but why, cause there in a happy and healthy relation ship and you stole there children as they were babys as you're jealous of m/n for living your dream with logan??" i asked her with a bored look on my face, she look shocked and all i did was smirk "well that's just a bit sad you know?" i said while laughing and she just scoffed and stormed out the room.

-time skip-

as i was waiting for her to make another appearance i wanted to see if they were dumb enough to leave me with out power restraints, and i did and to my surprise they actually weren't that stupid and they did put power restraints on me. "yea that wont work" the dude who's name is samule said to me "yea i know that you twit" i mumbled to myself but just as he was about to respond we were interrupted but a massive explosion outside, i looked out the window and saw y/n and abbie.

ok ima leave the chapter here for now as my arm is starting to hurt but i will continue the next chapter either later after i have had some pain medication or tomorrow :D and i will update soon  Byeeeeeeeeee

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