Chapter 1

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(A/N)DISCLAIMER: THIS FANFIC WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS OF THE FIRST 4 BOOKS IN THE VIRALS SERIES. I do not own the Virals series xD Kathy Reichs wrote these fantabulous books to go read them first and then come back!! Also I haven’t read the last book (Terminal) and I’d appreciate it if you didn’t leave any spoilers in the comments! If you like this fanfic please leave a review and comment suggestions that could improve the story! I apologise in advance for any spelling mistakes. Enjoy!!


 I woke up to the sun streaming in through my window.

 I sighed. It was going to be another long hot summer day. I looked at my alarm clock and saw that it was 6:00 am. I groaned and got up to get ready to go school. After jumping in the shower and getting dressed, I tried to run a brush through my red tangles. Brush. Rip. Pain. Brush. Rip. Pain. Yeahhh neat hair today is not possible. My locks picked the worst day to rebel. I was turning fifteen today. I’d told no one though as I hated to be the centre of attention and just the overall fuss of birthdays, I settled on a messy bun and followed my nose downstairs where I could hear the bacon sizzling in a pan and smell the coffee brewing in the kitchen.

 A pink post-it note was stuck to the table. Everything was pink in our house these days, thanks to the blonde bimbo. A messy note was scribbled in sharpie:

 Hey kiddo, sorry had to rush to work. I’m needed urgently. Whitney is making you breakfast. Be nice  -Kit

“Tori is that you?!” A southern drawl yelled from the kitchen. “No I just happen to be a red head burglar who spent the night in Coop’s bed!” I answered. “Always the jokester Tori!” she chuckled. Her sarcasm detector failing once again. Speaking of Coop, where was he?. “Hey Whitney have you seen Coop anywhere?” She paused her stirring and looked at me “He tried stealing the bacon so I locked him in the bathroom.” She answered with a frown.

 “Now stop worrying about that mongrel and eat your breakfast dear before it gets cold.” I narrowed my eyes and opened the bathroom door freeing my wolf dog. I patted his soft head and whispered “Next time forget the bacon and go for her leg” He barked as if agreeing and I winked at him.

 I sat down and stuffed my mouth with the delicious food. Ah the bimbo was annoying most of the time but man, she could cook. I checked the clock and jumped, the ferry to school left in 9 minutes. I kissed Coop on the head, grabbed my bag and jumped downstairs, “Bye Whitney!” I yelled while I ran downstairs, headed to the dock to meet up with the squad.

 Well, most of the squad, since Ben now went to Wando High school. Man, I missed the days when we all were together all day, now the pack just felt…incomplete. I pushed all those thoughts aside and continued to walk to the docks. They looked pretty empty…where the heck was Tom Blue’s boat? I checked the time 7:00 sharp. I was on time…so where was everybody?!

 I opened my bag and reached for my cell phone, opening IFollow I could see that Hi and Shelton’s icons were at Bolton Prep High school. They left without me?!, I was about to call Hi when I heard my name being yelled. I looked up from the screen and saw Ben Blue aboard Sewee racing towards me. “Tori!! Tori!! Wait!!” He quickly cut the engine and tied the boat. “Aren’t you supposed to be in school?” I asked him with my eyebrows raised. “Nah, Our school finishes a couple of days early since its public, remember? The holidays have officially started for me.”

Dammit I still had a week of school left. “Oh, well do you know what happened to Hi and Shelton? I arrived here on time but they were just… gone” I asked him.

“Oh yeah about that...My Dad had to leave early this morning because of something at the LIRI, he’s needed there apparently” He said quickly “I noticed you weren’t on the ferry to school so I thought I’d pick you up” He smiled. I wasn’t fooled though, something was off…I would have been notified if the ferry had to leave early.

 Oh well I’m probably just overthinking it. That’s what solving crimes and being involved with traumatizing experiences did to you. And by “traumatising” I don’t mean hearing Hi singing and dancing Gangnam style while wearing his monkey onsie. Though that was pretty traumatizing (I still had nightmares). I meant The Gamemaster and digging up dead bodies.  “Thanks Ben” I said returning the smile.

 At least someone was being nice to me on my birthday.

 He looked handsome in the morning sun. His skin was a deep caramel colour a shade darker than normal, tanned by the summer sun. His hair was being swept around constantly by the wind so he had to run his hands through it to try and tame it. So sexy.

 We hadn’t really talked much recently, since Chance had dropped the news on us that he was a Viral too we had spent all our time trying to figure that out not sort things out between us.

 “You know Tori, I have a feeling today’s gonna be a good day.” He said while turning on the engine.That was a very non Ben Blue thing to say but he was probably in a good mood because of the holidays. I wasn’t about to spoil his mood, the boy rarely smiled.

 And plus a boat ride by myself with my crush? How could things get any better than that?!

 “You know what? Me too Ben.”

 We sped along the water on our way to Bolton, the sky was pure blue without a cloud in the sky and the sea was calm and clear.

  Ben turned up the music station he had recently bought for Sewee with our loot from our recent Pirate adventure. Thanks again Anne Bonny. I recognised the song playing. R U Mine? By Artic Monkeys, I loved them. They just captured your feelings exactly.

 As the chorus was playing, Ben looked at me with an intense gaze that completely captured me. I forgot about everything around me and just drowned in his liquid brown eyes. He slowly made his way towards me, I returned the gesture we were so close…just a little closer…The boat suddenly lurched upwards and jumped, sending us tumbling apart. A wave. R U serious?!(A/N hehe just listen to R U Mine already if you haven’t, so good!!) What a way to ruin the moment.

 Thanks Ocean. Anyway Kit would have probably killed me if he found out anyway. We awkwardly re seated again and didn’t mention anything. Though we were both sporting blushes, it would be worse to talk about it.

 We finally made it to Bolton where Ben stopped the boat and awkwardly smiled. “Thanks for the ride Ben” I said “Any time Brennan” He answered with a small smile. I was about to climb out. But…What the hell? I didn’t want to be a tease so, before he could react I pecked him on the cheek and ran out of the boat towards the school. Before entering the building though, I quickly glanced at him. He was just standing there with a smile rubbing his cheek while looking at nothing. That goof.

(A/N Sooooo I hope you guys enjoyed that…Hopefully it wasn’t too short, I will try to update soon! Please leave me comments I love to see feedback! Love you all and see you next time!)

Tune in next time to find out what’s happening at the LIRI and why everyone is acting so odd…

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