Chapter 2

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Tory POV

As I strolled into Bolton Prep's main building I checked the time: 7:30, I still had enough time to run to my locker before the first bell. I quickly grabbed my Algebra and History books. It boggled my mind how the school thought it was a good idea to have Algebra first period.

That's like an invitation to not pay attention. I closed my locker and frowned. Usually Jason would be here flirting with me by now. Great, another person who decided to bail on me today.

As I made my way to my first class someone slammed into my shoulder, redecorating the floor with my bag's contents.

I looked up to identify the culprit and to my surpise It was the new girl who had recently transferred here a couple of weeks ago.

I believe her name was Alice. She seemed pretty cute and nice. She had Long brown ringlets, big blue eyes that suggested innocence ,and her height was around the same as mine but she currently had a death glare pointed my way.

"Watch it Bitch" She hissed.

Okay I take it back- not so nice after all. Jeez woman.Bitch? I didn't purposely slam into another girl did I?

"Excuse me but you were the one who bumped into me." But the comeback floated in mid-air as Alice had already stormed off.

Just as I finished repacking my bag, The bell rang. Great, just great. My next class was on the other side of the school and my Algebra teacher didn't have many positive feelings towards people who were late.

I sprinted to the Algebra room and silently attempted to slip in without being caught but nope, the lady had the hearing of a bat.

"Victoria Brennan outside, you know my tardy policy" The class chuckled.

Dammit. My face burned as I walked out to the dining hall.

I was rounding a corner when I crossed paths with a chubby kid wearing an inside out blazer. His face was scrunched up in concentration as he read a crumpled up piece of paper. "Boo" I said as I grabbed his shoulders and shook them.

Hiram jumped and attempted to strike a ninja pose but sadly, it didn't work out too well since he had a terrified expression on his chubby face.

"Tory! You were lucky, next time I might karate chop your arm off or do some serious damage, never sneak up on master Hiram."

"Yeah yeah easy tiger. What have you got there?" I said while pointing to the piece of paper.

His eyes quickly widened and he shoved the paper down his pants. "Oh that..hehe that was nothing don't worry about it, just some...uh...manly stuff.." He mumbled.

"Oookayy. What are you doing out here anyway?" I said changing the topic,

"Yeah I kinda corrected Mrs.Fletcher a few hundred times. Turns out Gas laws aren't really her forte" He said.

I chuckled, "Ah Hiram, always a smartass."

We walked into the dining hall only to find a sign saying the tardy detentions had been moved outside due to the janitors needing to mop the floor.

Thank god. At least we didn't have to stay inside in the stuffy cafeteria that always seemed to have a fishy smell to it.

Me and hi made out way to the benches by the Lacrosse pitch where we could see a group of students huddling on one of the tables. The teacher in charge of us was dozing off on a chair with a battered paper back of Macbeth.

Me and Hi sat on an empty bench since most of the kids on the other one were popular and frankly we just wanted to chill for the hour.

I slipped on my shades and made myself comfortable. I had stayed up pretty late last night with the other virals discussing what we were going to do about the Chance situation and figured napping would be a good way to clear my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2015 ⏰

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