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Today is the day, i either make it or break it. My nerves are getting the best of me, it's 6 am but i already throw up twice. I think of not going ,just running away and going to the show, but i can't do that. I can't disappoint Mirand or adam. I want to rock to impresse adam ofcourse but at the same time i don't want to look like an idiot you know.


i force myself out of bed leaving all my doubts and nervouse thoughts to get ready.

"heeyyy gurly" miranda walked in my room in a fab white dress with red roses. I'm jelouse of her amazing clothes.

"hey mir" my voice indicates my nervouse state

"how are you? Nervouse"


"i have the solution" miranda said as she gets something out of her bag.


I ran to hug her as she gets an AMAZING outfit. It's a leather pants and rocken avril lavgin shirt. We start working on my hair, it's light brown we tried so many hair dos but at the end we just curled it a little. I look like a real rock star.

"thank you mir. I love my look. My confidence is up the roof now"

"my pleasure. Now lets do this".

We walk to school together talking about my look, if people gonna like it and by people i mean adam ofcourse.

The minute i walked in the school my nerves started to come to me again but this times twice as big as the first time. I don't want to go on stage i feel like being sick again... Oh god...this is not good.

"SARAH! Snap out of it"


"lets go"

"i'm gonna be sick"

"no you won't. You are gonna go out there and rock it.. I'm gonna be in the front row. Just look at me and pretend i'm the only one there. Okay?"


i walk to the backstage i hear people cheer for lona as she leaves the show. She was great i have to admit. Then now i hear my name being called out. Butterflies in my stomach i'm feeling so sick and dissy but there's no backing down now. I get on stage, pick up the mic and start singing, hoping i won't throw up. Instide i start getting comfortable with my voice and my movement on stage. I feel like demi lovato and start preforming instide of just singing... I hear the crowd singing along and dance, i feel like a real rock star. At the end of my preformance. The crowd cheered and call my name "SARAH SARAH SARAH" I feel over the moon. I walk out of stage. I see miranda running to me "OMG! YOU WERE AMAZING .. EVERYONE LOVED YOU "

"i can't believe it. I feel like i'm dreaming"

"you are not. Told you you would rock... Look who's coming" she said as we glanced adam coming my direction "I'll leave you to talk.. Tell me everything okay?"

"ofc babe". She left as adam came to me.

"hey" adam said

"hey" i said in a shy voice.

"you were amazing out there."

"thank you" can't believe we are talking..should i tell him i like him? Should i make a move?.

"hey" lona came .

"hey lona" i said "you were great".

"so were you babe. Never knew you could sing that good"

"thank you" i say with weird expression on my face. I'm not sure if she's being nice or weird.. You can never tell with lona. She's not partically nice to any girl. She's exclusive to boys only.

"adam do you want to grab a bit?" lona said

"maybe later? I have to go somewhere "

"ok. Suit yourself .. Bye guys"

adam looked at me nervousely then said "so sarah. Do you want to.. Uhmm.. Maybe go out with me?"

"yeah sure" i said trying to not look so excited and happy .

"great i'll pick you up at 7"

"okay...byee "


omg! He just asked me out.. I call miranda and tell her everything.

"O.M.G. He asked you out? Aaaaaahhhhhhh! That's amazing. Let get you ready"

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