Coming out of the shell

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I wake up feeling like not going to school, like not getting out of bed. So i just pull the covers over my head, trying to steal 10 extra mins of sleep, "SARAH, YOU ARE GONNA BE LATE!" i hear my mum yelling. I get out of bed, get in the shower, Not caring about how i look today i just slip in the first thing i see, black jeans white t-shirt and white sneakers, i make my hair in a messy bun and i'm all ready to go.

It's another day of school, nothing unusuall. Just boring class but i was excited to see miranda.. (She's my best friend).

"Hey Mir"

"Hey Sarah, guess what?" she said excitingly.


"there's a talent show in the school" she replied

"oh no" i said unpatiently.

"c'mon Sarah, you are Amazing,, you have a great voice , you should totally sign up for it" she said

"noooo" i insisted

"you know who's gonna be there" she said in a sneaky voice.

"Adam Willams" she imitated Oprah's voice (Adam williams is my crush since forever..But ofc he never notice little clumsy me).

"just another reason for me not to sign up..i don't want to make a fool out of myself infront of him"

" you won't, trust me. C'moooooon saraaaah"

"i'll think about it" i said to get her of my back.. I know she'll never stop nagging me about it.

Saved by the bell literally!i thought as i heard the bell ring "i have English now late mir" i say.. Reliefed that i don't have to complete this convo For the rest of the day.

All i'm thinking about is the talent show.. Should i sign up, i have to admit that my voice is not bad, but to sing publically in front of 100s of people is just my worst nightmare And thinking of Adam is just another thing... I want him to notice me, i want him to see the true me, My "crazy fun sweet amazing personality" as Miranda says, I shake the idea of my head.. It's impossible for me to sing infront of poeple anyway.. I would totally freeze, just like i frooze 3 years ago when i was supposed to do presentation for my English class i actually puked all over the floor which make my fear of stage alot worse... What if i go there and start puking again?.... Uggghhh can't even think of that now.

After the school day is over, i was supposed to tmeet up with Miranda to go home together ,I sat in our spot infront of the school (under the large shade tree) for about 30 mins .. Totally alone.. "where's she?" i thought to myself.. I grap my phone to call her when i spot some1 coming my direction, "what took you so long?" i said angerily.

"was i suppose to come earlier?"

i was in shock..... it's not Miranda.. It's... Adam?

He was smiling at me with his beautiful smile and his hair just the way i liked it.. Zayn malik style.. He was perfect ...

"oh sorry thought you were some1 else" i said blushing.

"it's okay, who are you waiting for anyway?" he said casually. "miranda" i answered angerly remembering that she has abandened me and hasn't showed up till now.

"btw i loved your video" he said. "What Video?!" i asked surperisngly.

" the video where you sing one in a million in your room i think"he said still smiling.

OMG!! (I had a flash back of me 3 years ago in a pink t-shirt, jean shorts and short straight hair, singing like an idiot around my room. Mir posted it on youtube behind my back, to prove to me how good i am). What? He say that?

"you should sign up for the talent show.. You'll be amazing.. Anyway i have to go now. Hope we talk again Sarah"

OMGOOSH! He knows my name.. He likes my voice.. He saw my video.. OMG! I thought as i watched him leaving... I called Mir at once, i want to tell her what happened, but her phone was out of service?. I began to worry about her.. What happened.. Why didn't she come.. why is her phone closed?.. I was freaking out and went to look for her. I called again, she picked up "where are u? Why haven't u answer ur phone?" i yelled angry but relived she's ok.

"sorry sarah.. I lost my phone and i was lookin for it, but i found it now.. Sorry to leave you alone" she said in a puppy voice.

"it's okay" i said then i told her everything that happened with Adam..

"OMG!! What? I told you"

"can't believe he saw that video" "IKR.. U have to sign up for the show"

"but what about my fear?"

"it's all in ur head babe, just go for it"... I thought of it for the next few days. But signed up anyway.. I don't want to disappoint adam after all.I decided to sing my fav song "this is me" by demi lovato, it needs alot of attitude. Dunno if i can pull it off, so i trained for the next week to be the best i can.

Just a day before the show i had second thoughts.

" i don't wanna do it. What would happen if i pulled my name?" i said to Mir on the phone.

"what?!.. Shut up. You are going to sing tomorrow, and you are going to be amazing. So stop this crazy thoughts and go to sleep now i'll come tomorrow morning to you".

We hang up the phone and i went to bed. But i didn't go to sleep at once. I sat in bed just thinking about what will happened till i fell asleep hours later.

Coming out of the shellWhere stories live. Discover now