terrible accident

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the next day i went to Miranda's house,like i everyday, to pick a song i can do a cover of and think of cool ideas for our videos, but something was weird this time. When i entered her house i saw Mrs hatchard (miranda's mum) crying and alot of people in the house. People i didn't know but i couldn't find Miranda. OMG what had happened?. I went to mrs hatchard to ask her what had happened but i saw a group of men gathering around her, talking to her, trying to calm her down. So i just tryed to look for Miranda around the house but she was no where to be found.

I called her cellphone but my calls were recieved by the voicemail..

I begain to panic. What happened to her? Did she...? No. I can't even think that she might be..?

As i was starting to panic i noticed Miranda's uncle ( uncle harold), miranda had enterduce me to him when he came to visit from london 2 years ago, i walked up to him.

"hello uncle harold"

"oh hello love" he said in an english accent. " you are Miranda's friend right?"

"yes. I'm sarah.. Uncle. What happened? Why are all these people her? And where is Miranda?"

"i don't know how to tell you this love but.." he paused for a second..then continued "Miranda's dad had passed away in a car accedent this morning"

"OMG that is terrible" i said in a shocking manner eventhough i was relifed that Miranda was not harmed i was so sad to hear about mr hatchard. He was so nice and sweet.

" uncle harold do you know where i can find Miranda?"

"no when she heard the news she left the house in tears. I'm actually worried about her"

where she could be? I thought.. Oh she must have been to the lake it's our special/secret place. I went there at once and i saw her under the apple tree.

I walked toward her slowly not knowing what to do or say. But when i got to her i just gave her a big hug and squeezed her really tight. She hugged me back and just cried. We sat under the tree for about 30 mins before anyone said anything then Miranda said

"you know. When i was 6 he insisted to teach me to ride a bike even though i was absolutly terrified" she paued alittle then continoued still crying " he never made me quit or give up on anything. And always incouraged me totry new things. Make life advetures and not missing out on any approtuinty life has to offer"

she continoued crying silently. I didn't know what to say so i just hold her in my arms.

We sat there for hours befour our silence was interuppted by my phone i answered.

"it's your mum she wants you to come back . She wants to tell you something important"

we headed back to her house.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2013 ⏰

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