8 - Ghost Hunting

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» [Small Worlds - Mac Miller] «
       0:03 〇───── 2:39
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» [Kids - Current Joys] «
        0:03 〇───── 2:39       ◃◃   ⅠⅠ   ▹▹  

Dipper's POV:
"I know a place." Soos said dramatically, for he wanted us to go ghost hunting. Every single time I'd encountered a ghost in Gravity Falls I've been either public ally humiliated or almost killed, so I wasn't that excited (to say the very least.)

As the sun set a couple of hours after dinnertime, we headed into the golf cart, blindly trusting Soos' judgment.

"Dude. This better be good. Last time I was with ghosts I hated it." Wendy muttered, obviously referring to the horrifying time her friends and I were trapped in the shopping mart due to two ghosts. I tried by best to keep infamous "'Lamby Lamby' Dance Incident" out of my head, though Mabel did not hesitate to bring it up whenever it was possible to.

However, I had several experiences with ghosts. After the Northwest Mansion, I had been kind of scared — having to encounter and deal with the highest category ghost who tricked me, tried to kill me, and made animal heads drool blood.

I hoped to God that Soos was just kidding, or if he wasn't, it was a really tame ghost at most. My palms got sweaty and my stomach knotted into pretzel twists. Nevertheless, I wanted to be included — I was never one to miss an adventure.

"Man, I wish Wirt and Greg could be here." Mabel frowned. "I really like them."

"Me too." Wendy giggled to herself as she started the cart. "You know, for two kids who have just learned about this weird place, they're rather calm and accepting about it."

"Well, they actually come from a place with a lot of mystery too!" I blurted, going into one of my speciality Dipper Rants™️. "Wirt told me all about it and.." I continued to go on and on about their journey to The Unknown until Mabel cut me off.

"Dipper." Mabel smiled huge.

"Hm?" I answered.

"You're doing that thing..." She trailed off excitedly.

"What thing?" I anxiously shot back.

"That thing when you like someone." Mabel giggled.

"OoooOo Dipper has a crush?" Wendy chimed in. "Tell me tell me tell me!" She chanted.

"N-No— I don't—" I tried to get a word in, but everyone was already jumping to their own conclusions and bombarding me with questions. "Guys!" I finally yelled. Everyone stopped. "Can we just, focus, on the ghosts." I sighed.

If I told them my feelings for Wirt and he didn't feel the same, that would be like Wendy all over again. I did not want to make an embarrassment of myself like that again. Somehow, this did feel different.


Soos pulled into a patch of coarse dirt surrounded by pine trees. A picnic bench sat in the center, guarding its territory. "Alright," he said at last, "we're here."

"A picnic? Scary." Wendy said dryly

"Just you wait." Soos chuckled. "So, this ghost... really likes food. But it's really funny 'cause ghosts can't eat food, ya' know? So basically, he'll take whatever food you put on the picnic bench, try to eat it, and when he fails — he gets super angry." 

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