Hey, I'm back with more of my emotional baggage. Hope you can still stand it. Starting like this:
Somethings wrong, but you don't know what it is. It seems you've pushed it down so far you forgot what it was. Now all your left with is a feeling. A small ever so slightly there; feeling.
I've found myself, feeling this
I don't know exactly what it is
Something is just wrong
I think it may be partially Guilt.
But as I've stated above. I'm not sure what it would be about.
That's all I've managed to figure out.
I'm still alone;
In this world, I just trust myself, and those two:
People I've yet to hug in the real world.
I miss you guys
I miss you... even more
(Since this is my Document; My Cat just drooled on my mouth... Ew disgusting)
Understanding Myself and the likes of Human kind
PoesiaI'm just so sad recently, there's not enough time In the world, I hate it here It's so beautiful But what's the point of it I cant even live long enough to see all of it I feel so strongly I don't understand