To Bucky and Eden.

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Days go by of Bucky and I living our perfect engagement bliss, telling no one, rolling around in bed together, eating together, holding each other while we sleep, Bucky tells me that we have to share the news eventually and so we plan to do it today.

As we all gather for an evening meal together, as many of this crazy family that could be here, Peter, Bruce, Nat, Clint, Steve and Rhodey currently all staying here, with my dad, Pepper and Morgan, we sit one end of the table hand in hand, Bucky stands to make a speech and I look down the table at the faces of some of the people I love the most.

"So uh, you all know Eden and I have been a bit rocky?" He looks at me and pulls a face, causing me to laugh. "Well, we've decided to get back together, as you can guess I suppose." He grabs my hand and lifts it to his face, placing a kiss on the back of it.

My father lifts his glass and smiles at us both, the others around the table following suit.

Bucky shifts awkwardly and a nervous expression flashes across his face. "Well uh- I'm sorry I didn't ask Tony-" I give his hand a reassuring squeeze as he looks down at the beaming smile on my face. "I asked Eden to marry me.." he looks at my father and takes a heavy breath, like he's waiting for approval.

My own attention goes to my dad, who looks at me, exchanging a silent question with his eyes. I nod, with a big smile on my face.

My dad takes a moment but smiles back at me with a nod, then looks at my fiancé stood waiting beside me. He shifts in his chair and stands with his glass in the air, "congratulations to you both." He laughs, the others following, getting to their feet and raising their glasses to the pair of us.

Bucky pulls me to my feet and wraps his arms around me to a chorus of our family and friends. "To Bucky and Eden." My dad says with pride.

The others follow suit. "To Bucky and Eden."

A different voice repeats it after the rest of them all, "To Bucky and Eden."
I turn my head in the direction it came from and see an absolutely beaming Sam.

Immediately I run at him, jumping to wrap my arms around him and pull him into a hug. "What're you doing here?" I smile widely at him, knowing full well why he's been absent recently.

Sam nods behind me as I release him from our hug and I look back to see Bucky walking towards us, a smile on his face before Sam and him both step into a warm hug with one another. Confusion evident on my face as I watch the pair.

Bucky stands back and his arm wraps round my waist, "you were supposed to be here earlier?" He laughs to his friend.

Sam grimaces jokingly and shrugs, "traffic." He laughs and I smile, looking at my fiancé and waiting for his explanation. "I called Sam last week." That's all he says, but I've learnt that a look means everything with Bucky, he fixed things, that is obvious to me; and I'm grateful.

Happy to have Sam back here with us all, he's quickly celebrating with us all, drink in hand.

The night goes on with laughter, drinking and family. The best way we could possibly celebrate, however my mind goes to those missing, people I would like to be here with us if not for past issues.

Bucky notices as I zone out one too many times and pulls me into the kitchen to check on me privately, "doll what is it?" He cradles my face in his hands, eyes soft as he looks at me with all the love in the world.

"I just wish Frankie and Wanda were here.." I look down, a part of me wishes Pietro was here too, and my mother...

"They should be here. I'm sorry."

A frown pulls at my brows, he has no reason to apologise for their absence. "It's okay, there's plenty of our loved ones that can't be here." I lift my own hand to his face and he leans his cheek against my palm.

In a perfect world, Bucky's family would be here, my mother wouldn't be an absolute psychopath—but it's not a perfect world. Far from it.

Of course, Bucky understands the meaning behind my words, and smiles down at me, "my family would love you so much."

My heart melts at the expression on his face, the soft smile that pulls at his mouth. "Really?" I ask and he nods, "so much."

I move my hand to the back of his neck and pull him to me, he easily lets me and we share a soft kiss. "I love you." I say, moving my lips barely an inch away from his. "I love you too."

"Come on, let's go back." I breathe and we head back to our family hand in hand.

As we reach the others, Sam places his beer on the table, "so, how'd you ask her Buck?"

I almost choke on the mouthful of wine I'd just taken, looking at the face of Bucky who is trying his best not to break into laughter.

Truthfully the way he asked wasn't the most romantic to others, but to me it was perfect. Although, it's not exactly a story you'd want to tell.

My dad and Steve exchange a look and my dad takes a breath so heavy it makes his nostrils flare while Steve puts his hand to his mouth to hide his amusement.

Sam looks between the pair, then at Bucky and I, "what have I missed?" He smirks, confused.

"Um," I look at Morgan who is possibly the only person here besides Sam that doesn't know. "We- spent the night in one of the jets." I say and raise my eyebrows at the point I need to, hoping Sam will catch on.

"A sleepover.." Bucky adds and it's like you can see the realization hit Sam's brain.

"Ooooh!" He grins, shaking his finger at Bucky, "nice!"

Those around the table seem to be trying to mask their own smiles and laughter, Peter seems to of also only just clicked because he pulls a grimaced face, "oh guys! Gross!"

Bucky turns to look at him confused, "you're nearly nineteen?" He states and Peter laughs "yeah but we all use those jets."

Nat seems to find this more amusing than most, but it's Pepper who's comment catches me off guard, "we all use the sofas in the main lounge too."

My fathers neck almost snaps to look at her, my eyes go wide and laughter fills the table. Taking the glass of wine from her hand, my dad smiles at his wife lovingly, "that's enough for you."

More laughter, as others begin speaking through giggles, sharing other locations that we all use.

This, I feel, is happiness. And looking at the faces around this table, while they drink, talk, giggle over silly jokes and quips, I feel the most settled I've felt in years.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2023 ⏰

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