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Dean Winchester had been under the fatal impression that this would be an easy hunt. Go in, find the ghost, salt the bones. The daily business. Nothing more and nothing less. And it had been easy at first. It was just a stereotypical, haunted asylum that coincidentally crossed their path on their search for their father and a few missing people lost in the ghost-populated halls. It could have been such a routine job, absolutely nothing special. Another case that soon would be buried in his memories. He had been moments away from finishing it, already presented with the right set of bones. Then Sam got possessed by the ghost they belonged to and started to throw him around like a fucking ragged doll. He hated when things went south like that, and it happened way too much for his liking that he found himself in an unfortunate situation like this.

The pressing question was why he was always the one monsters chose to get physical with the most. He hated it even more when he didn’t manage to gain the upper hand to do so. Luckily for him, his body was rigid, it could take a beating or two, but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt like a bitch when it made contact with the thick cement walls of the asylum over and over again. Sam was strong, maybe even stronger than Dean. Of course, he would never admit that to his brother, but in situations like this, he felt it. And it was terrifying.

With another deep groan, Sam, or more precisely the doctor ghost Sam was involuntary hosting right now, grabbed Dean’s shirt again, dragging him into the air to throw him to the other side of the room again and again.

His shoulder met the floor with a bang of pain that echoed through his already aching body like another big fuck you right in his face. He was only 26, and yet he was deeply convinced he was getting too old for this shit.

Again, Dean tried to regain his feet but failed miserably to gain that momentum. That ghost was just vicious, a real bitch, and he couldn’t decide if it was his annoyance or the blooming bruises that stung more.

Either way, at this point, this was deeply personal. First possessing Sammy, then triggering his rage about their childhood and channeling it against his older brother, who always just wanted to protect him. That was pain on a whole other level that fit right in with the rest of the emotional damage he had collected over the years like Busty Asian Beauty issues.

“Goddammit, Sammy! Fight him!” he exclaimed in frustration, wiggling on the floor with the grace of an eal out of the water, just to get into a position that would make the next hit hurt less. As if any part of his body wasn´t throbbing by now.

”If it weren’t for you coming back, Jessica would still be alive!” Sam called back, his face red and scrunched up in hatred, the bulging eyes another dagger straight to his brother´s heart.

Dean prepared himself to take another blow as the look in Sam’s eyes changed to surprise as someone pulled him back by his shirt. As the giant turned, he faced a much smaller young man, who immediately dodged his attack. Opposite Sam, he looked tiny, too lean, scrawny even, with a soft but angular face, big brown eyes, and shaggy hair the same color. He looked not older than in his late teens or early twenties, except for the strangely wise twinkle in his eyes as he lunged a hand forward, smashing his fist into the taller man’s face. The ghost wasn’t happy, and under Dean’s very concerned gaze, he lunged at the stranger again, missing.

The smaller figure, a dark shadow against the dimly lit room, moved around Sam with an eerie grace that was almost creepy to watch. The way he held his hands up, reminded Dean of a Street Fighter character but without the muscles and he couldn’t decide if it was impressive or just purely ridiculous. There was just no way that dude could take ghost-fuiled Sam in a fist fight.

The possessed lunged forward with a punch driven by decade-old fury,too blinded for an actual tactic.That ghost really was pissed.

But the punch cut through empty air; the stranger was evading it with ease, using the opportunity to seize Sam´s hair in a swift, merciless grip, the movement as fluid as it was brutal and Dean absolutely hated how efficient that stranger was at hurting his baby brother.

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