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Most vampire lore was crap, so far John told them as they arrived at the motel. And while Sam and Dean treated themselves t some good night’s rest,John listened to the police radio. Around morning, they’re was the hint he had been waiting for. Dean groaned as his father pulled him out of his sleep rather rudely by shaking his shoulders.

“What happened?” he asked groggily while wiping his eyes.

“A couple has called 911. They found a body in the street. Cops got there; everyone was missing. It’s the vampires.”, John told him before leaving the room.

Sam rose with a groan.

“How do you now?” he called after his father.

“Just follow me, ok?” John called back.

“Vampires,” Dean mumbled to himself while packing his things. " It’s funnier every time I hear it.”

As they reached the crime scene, Cam was already waiting for their father to join him in questioning the police, sporting a proper black suit and ugly tie like all hunters did when pretending to be part of the authorities.

While he searched for his ownfake FBI badge, John told his sons to wait behind before joining the other hunter.

“I don’t see why we couldn’t have gone over with them,” Sam exclaimed sourly as he watched the interaction from afar. Dean didn´t like it either, but he had learned to listen to his father´s wishes blindly, even if that meant envying the other hunter with him.Sam was just being Sam again, disagreeing with John for the sake of disagreeing.

“Oh, don’t tell me it’s already starting,” Dean rolled his eyes at his brother. Before his brother could ask what the hell he was talking about, the other two hunters returned.

“They are heading west,” Cam announced as if it was only natural, and John nodded in agreement. Dean felt uneasy about how much he seemed to trust the young man. John never trusted anyone. Another reason to dislike Cam.

“We have to double back to get around that detour.”, John added, addressing his sons.

“How can you be so sure?” Sam asked boldly.

“Sam,” Dean warned him lowly. It was better not to mess with their father’s authority.

“I just wanna know we are going in the right direction.” Sam continued to disobey.

“We are. Look, I know this is weird, and believe me, I’m not fond of being in whatever conflict you are having, but I know vampires. I know where they go,” Cam entered the conversation, stepping over John, who was dangerously close to losing his temper.

Sam’s gaze became softer as he looked at the young hunter. Great, Dean, thought. Another one was trusting him.

” Also. “Cam added.” John found something. "

He held out his hand and opened it to reveal what looked like a fang of an animal.

Dean took it, eyeing it curiously.

“A vampire fang?” he asked in awe.

“Teeth. They have a second set that descents when they attack. Nasty little things. Sharp and filled with venom”, Cam corrected him.

“Any more questions?” John asked Sam, who looked at Cam sulking.

Dean knew he wasn’t about to say anything. There was no use in it anyway. John interpreted that as a victory on his behalf.

“Let’s get out of here. We’re losing daylight.” But it would not be John without another pissed shot at his sons. : “And, Dean. Why don’t you touch up your car before you get rust? I wouldn’t have given you the damn thing if I thought you were going to ruin it.”

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