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Twice...Kpop girl group...9 members...1 has to be dating.

Boss: "Y/n!"

"Uh yes sir?"

Boss: "I need you to find out if this rumor is true. Jihyo and Daniel"

"You got it, I'll go out"

I got up and left, it was only 4 pm, they are at Music Bank, so I should be able to follow them from there. I hope I get good pay for this

I got in my car and drove off to the crowded building and found a good parking facing the exit all the idols use. I should be able to know which van belongs to Twice.

I...have been...sitting here...FOR 4 HOURS!!! I better get good money for this, I'm hungry, I'm tired, and I'm broke so I can't get food at this time. If they don't leave this build- oh here they come

I saw them get in their vans, and eventually drive off, I followed behind them from a distance so it doesn't look like I'm stalking, I turned down a street and I took the next street catching up to their final destination. The dorms

I had to sit in my car for a little bit longer now, I know someone saw me, because they were on the phone looking this way and pointed. I didn't do anything and just waited.

I guess I waited too long, I woke up to laughter and the voice of the Twice members. Their manager, I believe, looked in my direction and slowly walked over to this direction, so I just slowly covered my camera and acted like I was asleep.

I looked up when I heard a knock on my window, so I rolled it down slowly "How can I help you"

Manager: "You have to leave before we call the cops"

"I'm sorry sir, is this private property?"

Manager: "No, I saw you yesterday following us, so I'm giving you a warning to leave"

"Oh I didn't mean to follow you. I just looked up places and saw the empty parking, I'm too broke to afford a hotel so I've been moving from parking lots all over, this is my 5th time sleeping here total"

Manager: "I've never seen this car"

"Okay, I'm sorry if I scared you thinking I was following you"

Manager: "That's my fault, please be careful out there"

"Actually can I ask a favor for some money for food"

He looked at the van, then gave me some money. Yes! I have breakfast money now

I gave him a slight bow and drove away, I saw him get in and the van followed me for a while and I got my food. I was actually really hungry, so I drove back to the parking lot and ate, I didn't care about their schedule. I'm hungry.

I listened to music all day and when I saw the van in a distance. I drove off and hid the car before hiding behind trash cans.

It only took an hour for Jihyo, Jeongyeon, and Nayeon to walk out. Except they didn't get in a car and they were on their own. So I decided to risk it and just follow them. What could happen?

A lot. No I mean A LOT could happen.

So let's go back shall we, I followed them and saw them eat at some restaurant so I took a picture of them because why not. I'm here, I can sell that picture later, it looks good.

They took forever eating but when they left I followed them for ice cream and the park. It was only them plus me, but "only them"

I took a picture of them eating ice cream, I took a picture of them talking, and I took a picture of 2Yeon kissing...I took a picture of Jihyo and Nayeon...I got a picture of Nayeon and Jeongyeon. WHAT?


I may or may not have yelled that but they looked up and started looking around. I tried to quietly move away but as I slowly started to sneak away. I might have stepped on a stick...and it snapped.

Jihyo: "HEY!"

I looked over and saw them running towards me, I am not a certified running or just a runner in general. I hate running, but I ran like my life depended on it, well cause it kinda did.

Jeong: "STOP!"


Jihyo: "STOP"

Nay: "HEY!"

I finally lost them when I took too many turns, I found my car and drove home. It was a hectic night, and I downloaded the pictures on my laptop. I cleared the SD Card and uploaded every single photo except those.

"Oh my gosh. I can't give these, they'll be hated on, they'll be kicked out, but I can't because they'll be exposed, and that means I would out them"

I sat down and stared at the pictures, and started to debate. These photos could get me a lot of money, it could get me a promotion, it can get me out of this crummy apartment

I don't want to be the bad guy tho. But that means Jihyo is stuck with this rumor, but she's better off in the rumor than being exposed.


There was a banging on my wall telling me to shut up so I did, but still...I don't get paid enough for this

At least I'm happy for them, that's great for them. I'm excited they are together. I don't want to ruin that.

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