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Y/n slowly walk outside, she heard the yelling and took off running. She didn't know where she was going, why she was running, or what she was doing.

When she finally stopped running, she started to cry, finally realizing where she is at, she was under the bridge.

Y/n was crying hard when she fell on her knees, "Why did you leave me"

"I'm sorry I was shitty sister, I love you. Why did you leave"

She tried hard to calm down, but couldn't "I can't do this anymore, I don't know what I'm doing! Help me! Why did you have to join them?! Why did you have to put me through your struggle?! Give me something, give me anything! Anyone..."

As if on time, Jihyo ran over and was giving her a big hug, "I'm so sorry"

Y/n didn't hug back and just kept crying, she knew...this was her sign.

Y/n sighed "Thank you, and I'll help me"

Jihyo: "What do you mean?"

Y/n: "I have a photo printer in my room, I have to print pictures fast. You can use it, get your evidence"

Jihyo: "Can you please help us understand everything?"

Y/n: "You want me to leave, I don't want to die. If you help me leave and keep me safe, I'll owe you my life"

Jihyo: "You owe us a lot already, but we'll keep you safe"

Y/n gave a slight smile, "How did you find me"

Jihyo shrugged "I don't know, but a voice kept telling me to come here. It didn't sound like my normal voice though, so maybe I was going insane and got lucky"

Y/n started to tear up again, "Thank you"

Jihyo and Y/n got up, picked up the photo printer and went back to the dorm. Nayeon moved a little small table to the corner, and had Y/n sit down at the table and eat some food.

Y/n: "I'm not a kid"

Nay: "Sit and eat. You need food, and you need time to think"

Y/n nodded and just sat down and ate. She finished the food quickly, put her head down and fell asleep after a while.

Dahyun sighed "All the pictures are done, I'm so glad we have this"

Momo: "Okay, so now what"

Chae: "Well since everyone is back, and we're all here. We don't know where the creep and boss are"

Jeong: "Well, maknaes keep an eye on the kid. We're going to the cops, it's gonna take a long time. When she wakes up, give her some clothes and have her take a shower. Also give her some more food"

Tzu: "Okay okay, go on"

The oldest members, Y/n was asleep for a while, but when she did wake up, she just listened to the maknaes, finally just sitting against the wall after she was done.

Chae: "Can I play with your hair?"

Y/n just nodded and moved, Chaeyoung just started to do a hairstyle, Tzuyu and Dahyun were watching a movie, but saw Y/n just deep in her thoughts.

Meanwhile at the police station, Jihyo was pacing back and forth as Nayeon and Jeongyeon were arguing.

Finally Jihyo lost it, "Fine! Everyone shut the fuck up! Okay here is how it's gonna go, you and your goon squad is gonna go to that fucking address and check out that damn warehouse. The pictures are STRONG Evidence! This boss and This Creep are the bad guys! So if you still refuse to do anything, you'll be wishing you did by the time I'm done here! I don't know WHY you want to be like this, but have I made myself clear?! DO YOUR FUCKING JOB!"

The cop nodded, took the pictures, and went to the back, 10 minutes later came back agreeing to help. Jihyo smiled, "Now that wasn't so hard. I'm staying here for an update"

Cop: "O-Okay"

With hours passing, it was finally 2 in the morning when 2 men walk in with cuffs, the officers caught the men, and they were finally put into custody.

Jihyo: "That's them?"

Cop: "Yes ma'am, turns out you were right. We tied them to another crime"

Nay: "Which one"

Cop: "They set a house on fire, which sadly killed the family"

Jihyo: "Y/n...they did this?"

Cop: "Yes ma'am"

Jihyo: "Okay, thank you"

They were finally free to go, but this is gonna take a while to finally finish, with court, and everything to go down.

Finally back at the dorm, Y/n was asleep on the couch, and the maknaes were asleep in their room.

The next morning, Y/n woke up to see the Tv playing and everyone moving about their day. She was caught off guard.

Jihyo: "Good morning, well it's technically afternoon"

Y/n: "Hi?"

Nay: "They were caught"

Y/n: "They were?!"

Jihyo: "Yup, so you little sneak. We have been talking..."

Y/n: "How much trouble am I in?"

Momo: "Oh yeah...A Lot"

Y/n: "I'm so sorry"

Jihyo: "How would like a job? We have a position open."

Y/n: "Huh?"

Jihyo: "You will work under our manager as a Junior, you will be under our supervision, but you'll get a proper place to stay, good money, and no struggle"

Y/n: "Wait wait, are you serious?!"

Sana: "Yes, you will actually be staying in this very dorm, we have an empty bedroom. You will eat 3 meals a day, also during your free time, you will be doing school online. You need a proper education. You don't need to pay rent, you'll get a proper paycheck. You'll have a better life"

Y/n: "I can't"

Mina: "That's too bad, all you have to do is sign a contract, but this contract is mainly for us to know you agree to our terms of meals, sleep, and school"

Y/n: "Okay okay...yeah I accept"

Jeong: "Good, and since you got the sneaky side. No more of that stuff, if we catch you doing any of that, you will be in trouble"

Y/n: "No more"

Nay: "We'll tell Irene too"

Y/n: "No!...No it's okay"

Nay: "Then do we have a deal?"

Y/n: "Yes, we have a deal"

Y/n was so happy to be there, finally getting out of Dispatch. Twice really switched up and stalked Dispatch, hopefully that really is the last time...

Thank you for reading!

Lowkey ran out of ideas

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