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Y/n fell asleep at her desk as she looked through the pictures. Meanwhile Nayeon, Jeongyeon, and Jihyo made it back to their dorm.

Nay: "This is it. It's over"

Jihyo started to cry, which caught the attention of everyone in the dorm. They all sat in the living room so they can talk about what just happened.

Jeong: "You know how it was our date night? Well we got caught kissing by Dispatch. Some fucking girl caught us"

Nay: "These pictures are gonna be released and that's the end of our career"

Mina: "What?!"

Chae: "I'm so sorry guys, this could've been any of us"

Jihyo: "No more date nights out. If so, no anything"

Tzuyu: "We need to delete these photos"

Jihyo: "How Tzu? They are on her camera and I'm sure she downloaded them"

Momo: "We never know. So what if we turn the tables on Dispatch"

Nay: "And do what?"

Jeong: "Like stalk them? I agree"

Sana: "What is stalking gonna do. This is gonna be some high level stuff. Like stalk her, stealing her camera, or breaking and entering. Let's think about this carefully"

Nay: "Sana is right, Dispatch stalks and exposes. We can expose her, but if we do that, she's gonna expose us"

Momo: "What if we find her"

Dahyun rolled her eyes "And do what, ask for her to delete these photos"

Momo's head shot up "She got food money from our manager today. She stole from us"

Jeong: "From him, but no she didn't. He gave it to her"

Dahyun: "Whats the plan"

Nay: "We find her and think of what to do next"

Sana: "Tomorrow we'll go. But not all of us"

Momo: "Jihyo and Nayeon go, it'll be easier for them 2 because they will know how she looks like"

Jihyo: "She'll run though"

Tzu: "Fine, me and Chaeyoung will go"

They made a plan of what to do, but all they need to do is find her. She was a pretty fast runner, surprisingly.

The next morning, Y/n made herself cereal, and grabbed her personal camera so she can take pictures, it's a hobby on its own.

She was walking down the street, to the park. She needed to get her mind off what she saw last night, and what better way to do that than a walk in the park.

But she was now changing directions to walk back home. Y/n saw Chaeyoung and Tzuyu walking around, and she decided to get out of there before they see her because she's pretty sure they talked last night.

Tzu: "Is that? No it can't be"

Chae: "I see a camera, but I don't know. We're so dumb, we don't even know how she looks like"

Tzu: "Jihyo said tips of hair blue, she turned back to look if they were running after her, and Jihyo said that she has a scar on her chin, it's noticeable"

Chae: "Okay, yeah let's just go up to her and check for those things"

Tzu: "You know, I don't appreciate your sarcasm"

Chae: "Too bad, you're stuck with it"

They continued talking, so Y/n took that chance to get out of the park as quick as possible. She needed to decide what to do and fast.

She got a text from her boss, "So did you find anything?"

Y/n looked around, "No sir, I don't believe Park Jihyo is dating Kang Daniel"

Boss: "Do you have new evidence of her dating someone else?"

Y/n: "No sir, I followed her last night, but she never met up with him. She had multiple chances"

Boss: "You have 1 weeks to gather as much proof as you can. We need a New Years couple"

Y/n: "Yes sir"

She put her phone up, and walked to her favorite cafe, sitting down at the counter, she called her friend Wendy over "Hey buddy"

Wendy: "Hey friend. So I see the camera, who is it now?"

Y/n: "Park Jihyo, and I don't think I'll find anything"

Wendy: "What makes you think that"

Y/n: "Gut feeling"

Wendy: "You know that's so funny, Park Jihyo is from Twice right?"

Y/n: "Yeah...?"

Wendy: "This is her favorite place to come, always comes around this time too. I'm surprised to see you here and not her"

Y/n: "Huh?!"

Y/n saw the door open, and Wendy said I told you so. So Y/n took this chance to get her drink, pay quickly and leave. Luckily for her Jihyo didn't notice, until she was about halfway down the street.

Jihyo: "Hey!"

Y/n froze and turned around, Jihyo motioned her over, but as Y/n walked closer, she got a good look at Jihyo before taking off running down the alley.

Jihyo tried to follow, but got lost quick. Y/n ran back to her apartment and decided it was best to stay there. No going anywhere, just safe in her own crappy home.

Y/n: "That was close...that was close"

Jihyo made it back to her dorm, and waited for Chaeyoung to come back with Tzuyu.

When everyone, including Chaeyoung and Tzuyu, came back, Jihyo gathered them in the living room for a meeting

Jihyo: "New plan, okay so she has blue tips in her hair, the scar on her chin isn't actually there, must've been a shadow. She's about Sana's height, but she has something on her hand, looks like a burn that's just permanent. Okay now for the plan

We are gonna take turns stalking her, find out her schedule, what does she do, where does she live, and who does she meet up with. By the end of this week, we should be able to surround her and get her to delete the photo"

Jeong: "Uh what if, since she stalks us, someone just stalk her, she'll have her camera, so we need to delete it off her camera"

Tzu: "She might have an SD card"

Jeong: "Jihyo's plan then"

Jihyo: "We'll use Dahyun's camera, each day we take turns stalking her"

Tzu: "It's Dispatch's turn"

Twice: "Yup"

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