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Each member of Twice made sure they had 3 weeks worth of cleared schedules, and although it took a lot of convincing, they were able to do it. Luckily that one night was the last night of promotions, so they were now free to do whatever they wanted.

Y/n needed to think of what she was going to do very clearly, she needed to clear her head. She had a week to get an update, so she had a week to do what she wanted and come up with a decision by the end of the week.

The first person to stalk Y/n was going to be Nayeon and Jeongyeon, they first made it to the cafe that Jihyo went to, only because they knew that she talked to that girl, who Jihyo says runs the buisness, Wendy...

Nay: "We need to speak to Wendy?"

Wendy walked up, "Oh my gosh, I waiting for more members, what can I get for you. Our special today is-"

Jeong: "No, um. Do you know that photographer, she had blue tips, a burn on her hand?"

Wendy: "Oh yes, you mean Kim Y/n?"

Nay: "Yes Kim Y/n..."

Jeong: "We wanted to talk to her, is there anyway we can find her?"

Wendy: "Sure, around this time she would be down at the park. She does professional photos every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Her booth is by the ice cream parlor."

Nay: "And if she isn't there?"

Wendy: "Then at her house, it's close, that the alley right here and at each path go right 3 times, she is in building C, 4th floor, right hall, last door on your left."

They thanked her, and made their way to the park, it was very surprising that Wendy just exposed Y/n so easily, but they are now at risk of Wendy spilling everything to Y/n. Jeongyeon went back and made Wendy promise and she promised after Jeongyeon bought 2 drinks. Wendy has to profit somehow.

Both girls went to the park, seeing Y/n sitting down, but she made eye contact with them but tried to keep her cool. She closed up, got ice cream and left, knowing that they saw her, hoping they didn't recognize her. She went the long way, and into Wendy's shop, "Hey so I'm taking the back, bye"

Wendy: "Hey! Okay Bye.."

Y/n was already out the door, and was trying to finish the last bit of her ice cream, she made it back to her apartment, and laid down in her bed. Nayeon and Jeongyeon took the short way, and hid in an alley, seeing Y/n walk into the building.

Y/n started to talk to herself, "I need to come clean, I see them everywhere now. No..I need to talk to my sister. She'll know, but I'll get no answer. I can still talk to her, and hope for something."

She waited for about 2 hours before leaving her apartment again, looking out and not seeing anyone, but Nayeon signaled Jeongyeon that she has eyes on Y/n. Jeongyeon used Dahyun's camera to take a picture of the building and Y/n walking out of it.

Y/n was walking with her headphones in, so she couldn't hear Nayeon and Jeongyeon following behind her, but after about a 15 minute walk, they made it to the Han River, where Y/n just went under the bridge, and Nayeon and Jeongyeon watched from a distance, seeing no one join her.

Y/n sat down, "Okay sis, I need a sign. You know mom and dad wouldn't help me, so what about you. What should I do? You've always been the sneaky one, and loved the thrill, but should I come clean to Twice, turn it in to my boss, or cover it up even though I don't know how yet.

Yeah this is Dispatch trouble, but after the fire I was alone, and I aged out of foster care. I was able to do some odd jobs before landing this one, but now I'm stuck. So give me some credit, you can't say anything, you did this job too, it's just got people...mad."

Nayeon took some more pictures, but saw Y/n leaving but she tripped then hit a tree. She also saw Y/n flip of the sky, then walk away. Y/n got her sign, but her sister could've given it to her in a better way.

It was getting late, so Y/n went back to her apartment to grab her camera, heading out and sitting out in front of Twice's building. She was snacking on some crackers, "This shit is stale, but better than nothing."

Jeongyeon took the final pictures, then put the camera in her backpack, before they both quietly walked into the building. Y/n saw them and took pictures of them two walking in, but those were not useful in anyway.

Jihyo: "So what did you get?"

Nay: "Her building, where she does her side job, and her sitting under a bridge. She also flipped off the sky, and I don't know how to explain that."

Jeong: "Our day wasn't as useful, but that Wendy girl spilled all the information in a matter of seconds, so if we ever need anything we can always go to her, but you might need to buy a drink or two for that."

Jihyo: "They're good drinks though"

Nay: "Right, I was surprised."

Sana: "Moving on...we need background information. Her name?"

Nay: "Oh Kim Y/n"

Chae: "I know this girl, Yeri, she is kinda like a hacker..she can get this information for us"

Momo: "How do you know her?"

Chae: "She's my ex, but we're still friends"

Tzu: "I know another girl named Lisa, she can also help us for that"

Dahyun: "How do you know her?"

Tzu: "Also an ex, but also friends"

Chae: "I think Yeri and Lisa are friends, they learned how to do that together."

Mina: "Okay, well before we start hacking, maybe learn it the dispatch way. Look her up online, if nothing comes up, we stalk her. Hacking will be our last resort. Got it?"

Chae: "Damn no fun"

Mina looked at Chae, "Watch it, you know I'm right."

Momo pulled out her laptop, and they surround her. She looked up Kim Y/n into google, and an article popped up for 10 years ago...

"The house of the dispatch worker in the 2012 idol scandal caught on fire unexpectatly"
"Kim Seyeon(25) and family were stuck inside, but sister Kim Y/n(12) survives"

Twice: "What the Fuck"

To be clear, just in case...there is no 2012 idol scandal. Thank you.

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