mikayla m taylor
her dog, titto (who doesn't really come in until the next book)
i dont own the original script but i do own mikayla, titto, kito. also a little recap: you and owen were in the military together and end up being brought in to train the dinosaurs at jurassic world. you both served 4 years together in the military. 2 in the army and 2 in the navy. also some of the chapters are very short, but their good :). and majority of this story is originally an image in my "eye for and eye" book. which will come out soon :).
especially kito // jurassic world
Adventuremikayla taylor, army general, animal behaviorist. she falls in love with the fifth unidentified raptor. just like blue, only with red. she called her kito. she got to attached and payed the consequences.