we're met with 3 raptors. blue, echo, and delta. "that's how it is? easy. easy. easy. that's it." he says, putting his hand out towards blue as he took the piece of tech off of her. i put my hand out towards delta. "stand down delta. you don't want to do this." i say to her, slowly moving closer to her like owen did to blue, as i took the piece of tech off her. "echo!" i yell, jumping back a bit as she snapped her jaws at me. "can it, girl." i say, putting her at ease as i took the tech off of her as well. the indominus reveals herself. she roars at blue. blue looks back at owen and i, and chitters. she roars to the hybrid, and she knocks her away. echo and delta attack the indominus. the five of us run away, with owen shooting at the indominus. "24, 50. we need more." grey says, doing the math. "more what?" claire asks him, looking at him confusingly. "teeth. we need more teeth." he says, looking between claire and i. something clicks in my head. was it a suicide mission? probably. was i still going to do it? damn straight.
especially kito // jurassic world
Aventuramikayla taylor, army general, animal behaviorist. she falls in love with the fifth unidentified raptor. just like blue, only with red. she called her kito. she got to attached and payed the consequences.