the security guard tried to stop us as we walked into the control room. "I need to see some badges. excuse me, i need to see some badges!" he tried stopping us. reluctantly, i showed him my army badge. "what the happened out there?" owen asks as we make our way down to claire. "sir." the guard says. i turned to the guard. "he's with me, now leave." and with that, he went back up by the door as i turned back around to face claire. "there are thermal cameras all over that paddock. she did not just disappear!" i raised my voice. claire sighs. "it must have been some kind of a technical malfunction." she says. "technical malfunction my ass. were you not watching?" i spoke. "she marked up that wall as distraction. she wanted us to think she escaped!" owen was getting angrier by the second. and frankly, my blood was starting to boil to. "hold on. we are talking about an animal here." claire says, trying to act calm. "a highly intelligent animal." owen and i say. "400 meters to the beacon." vivian says. the camera shows the stun devices which the team are armed with. owen and i are surprised. 'you're going after her with non-lethals?" i ask as owen and i carefully watch the cameras. "we have $26 million invested in that asset. we can't just kill it!" mr. masrani says. "those men are gonna die." owen says. "300 meters to the beacon." vivian warns. "you need to call this mission off right now." i say, demanding them to call it off. "they're right on top of it." vivian says. "call it off right now." owen says, agreeing with my point. if you didn't know any better, you would've thought that he was sticking up for me. well, in a way, he was. "you are not in control here!" claire yells. transit to the jungle, where the team have dismounted their vehicles and proceeded on foot to the i rex. the commander picks up the tracking implant from the ground, the team members wary. "blood's not clotted yet. it's close." the commander says. "those men are going to die!" i try to persuade them to call it off but it's to late. "what's that?" mr. masrani asks. "that's her tracking implant." owen starts. "she clawed it out." i finish. "how would it know to do that?" claire asks. "she remembered where they put it in." we both say in union. meanwhile, the commander notices blood dripping onto his arm. he looks up and backs away as the indominus comes into view. the camera pulls back to show it is exactly the same color as the foliage. "it can camouflage!" the commander yells. he races for safety and the i rex picks him up. the team hits it with all their stun weapons and the creature drops the commander. while uneaten, he is crushed as the rex flattens him. this was all on camera. the men started dying one by one.
-lee: is crushed by the indominus' tail which whips him against a tree trunk.
-mayers: is swallowed whole while firing his shotgun at the monster.
-craig: gets thrown into a puddle of water.
fucking great.
especially kito // jurassic world
Aventuramikayla taylor, army general, animal behaviorist. she falls in love with the fifth unidentified raptor. just like blue, only with red. she called her kito. she got to attached and payed the consequences.