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Hello! My name is Elliana Jackson but you can call me Elli, now I may seem like some ordinary 16 year old girl but I have a secret.

Now a bit about my family;My mum's name is Sally Blofis nee Jackson, she's the best mum ever and she makes the best blue cookies ever!My step-dad's name is Paul Blofis, he's an English teacher, he's pretty cool and he doesn't yell at me when I pronounce his last name as blowfish.

Then there's my dad. My real biological dad, his name is Poseidon. Now you may be thinking wow what a coincidence that his name is like the greek god. Yeah no, not a coincidence. He actually his Poseidon Lord of Seas, child of Kronos and one of the big three.

Family on his side is way too complicated so I'm gonna make it simple. Most cyclops are my half-siblings except they tend to not be claimed with the exception of Tyson my younger brother, there's Triton who is the prince of the seas and my dad's heir, there's my step-mum Amphitrite who actually likes me. 

Thing is they actually do like me is because they have wanted a daughter for such a long time yet they have never had one, I am my father's first daughter! Surprising, right? Anyways then there are my many cousins, perhaps nieces and nephews are gods and godesses, as well as my uncles and aunts the other children of Kronos, then there are the half-blood children of all my godly relatives. It's just so hard.

You wanna know what makes it even harder?My mum also had a secret, a family secret. She was a black. Not in the way you'd think, she is a witch, this may seem rude to others but it's true. 

She comes from the Ancient and Most Noble House of Black from the Wizarding World. Her father is Orion and her mother Walburga, she ran away and changed her name to Jackson and got adopted in the Mortal/Muggle/Mundane World instead. She has two older brothers Sirius - who is in Azkaban - and Regulus - who had mysteriously died -.

But alas her grandfather Arcturus found her in the mundane world and took us both in when we still lived with Smelly Gabe. It was also where I found out that I was a seer! 

It started when I told them things hadn't happened yet, sometimes I wouldn't remember it yet sometimes I did. Grandfather Arcturus predicted that I was a seer and when we went to an inheritance test at Gringotts it was proved that I was indeed a seer. 

Due to this Grandfather had went into his personal vault and pulled out something for me. That thing was a watch, not just any watch but a watch for seers. It would keep track of everything I say while in a trance and keep record of it all and keep me safe too from anyone wanting to do any harm to me.

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