Its cinema not Politics

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Why can't people understand a simple thing . He spoke what ever at that moment was just what he thought to convey and the highlighted part was just his opinion of choice and whatever he choose is his personal and Nobody is here are allowed to state whatever they want. Don't spill venom on a person who already struggled a lot to get this hope of opportunity.

It's cinema not politics don't invove politics.

Ok if we accept it to be hurting directors. He never meant to hurt them. And now he Appologized for his slip of tongue and slip of words. Why are you people playing politics with a person who was actually humble and grateful for his people?
Live and let live

For us
Don't lose hope. He'll hit back stronger and we should be more stronger to support him. This cinema politics shadow was filled against him would be cleared soon. Hope 💜believe🤞🏽 Magic✨

Don't lose hope pals. Stay strong.
Participate in twitter trend.#loveyouAshwinKumar.Report unwanted tweets under #ashaangi
Report under targetted harassment. And then choose someone else.
Not in mood to write but Coming with updates for both by tomorrow. Sorry 💜💜💜💜

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