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Dumbledore was sat in his office replying to yet another annoying owl from the Minister of Magic. That incompetent man truly was a colossal pain.

He smiled to himself, chuckling and thinking how nice a little excitement would be. How quickly he would regret those thoughts.

A green flash erupted out of his fireplace. Who could this be? He thought to himself and was surprised to see two very familiar and very frightened faces emerge from the Floo.

Dean and Penny look at the surprised headmaster, Penny yelling before either man could speak:

"Where is he? Where is my Cutie Pie?"

She had a look of terror on her face. Dean attempted to explain their sudden appearance:

"We came as soon as we got my brother's distressed message Albus. Where's my brother? Who attacked him?"

The Headmaster looked at his two former students baffled. The Forbidden Forest incident occurred over a week ago.

"If you're referring to the incident in the forest then-"

Albus was cut off as another flash lit up from the fireplace. Two more men stepped through. They were wearing the same maroon suits and appeared identical under the same Glamour spell, cast to hide their identities.

 They were wearing the same maroon suits and appeared identical under the same Glamour spell, cast to hide their identities

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They were Unspeakables, from the Department of Mysteries. They spoke in unison, no expression visible on their blank faces:

"We have been sent to guard the Prophesied One."

Albus looked at his four intruders puzzled.

"What exactly-"

Before Dumbledore could continue the door to his office was flung open. Minerva and Barnaby rushed through- Albus, Penny and Dean looking at Barnaby's blood soaked body in terror as he spoke, out of breath:

"Headmaster.... We found.... we were attacked. Y/N saved me. Hagrid took him to the hospital wing. Dean I'm sorry..."

Before Barnaby could finish his apology Penny had already bolted out the door in a terrified panic. As Barnaby tried to speak and catch his breath, Minerva stood there pale and stunned.

"It's ok B, it's not your fault. We'll go there now."

Dean answered with a smile and a nod before following his fiancée out of the office. The two Unspeakables were next out, silently disappearing out the door. Albus turned to the Reserve's Ranger who stood there, still in his blood soaked wetsuit.

For You I Will #1- The Philosopher's StoneWhere stories live. Discover now