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The morning sun shining across my face woke me earlier than I appreciated. It was, to everyone else, a normal morning; songbirds were singing, the sun was shining, the sky was still blue. But for me, it was yet another day when I must put on an act good enough to fool the king himself; at least, good enough to fool his daughter... And my father.

"Good morning, Master Lodareth." A chirpy voice filled the room as my manservant, Seguin, came inside, carrying my clean, freshly-pressed clothes.

I have nothing against Seguin, per se; it's just that he's far too happy in the mornings. I'm a night time person. There's something about the darkness that makes me feel secure, hidden. I like the obscurity night provided.

Seguin laid my clean clothes carefully out on the end of my bed, and began tidying away my clothes from the day before, sorting those that needed laundering from those that could be hung in the wardrobe and worn again.

"Morning, Seguin." I pulled myself out of bed, wanted more than ever to sink deep into my pillows and sleep for a long, long time. "Any news from downstairs?" I liked hearing about the servant's lives, and Seguin was an excellent informant.

"Nothing much, sir. Miss Cornella had a chance to lecture someone properly this morning."

"Oh?" I pulled my tunic over my head, listening intently. Seguin was particularly good at telling stories of the head housekeeper's rantings and ravings. "Who got it in the neck this time?"

"A new boy, sir. One of the stable hands. He somehow ended up, goodness knows how, in the female servant's quarters when he was searching for the kitchens, and he ran into Miss Cornella."

I laughed at the image of the fearsome woman scolding a new boy. "How did he get into the servant's quarters? You have to take the staircase that leads from the small pantry to get to their rooms, instead of the main servant staircase, which leads from the kitchens."

"I know, sir. But the boy said it was late when he was shown round last night, and everything looked different in the morning." Seguin came over as I pulled on my boots, and brushed my tunic down swiftly. "You look very good, sir, if I do say so myself. Good enough for the Princess Isolde."

I made a noise in my throat. "Why Father is so insistent on the king's daughter, I don't know. He's always said as long as I marry well, he'll be pleased. Isolde isn't even Benedict's oldest daughter, so there's no chance of me becoming king after Benedict dies."

"Perhaps he just wants your families united," Seguin said. "Everyone knows that Princess Thula will marry Lord Edwin, any day now."

"Edwin as King." I grimaced. "A frightful thought... Well, Duty, Dedication, Obedience," I quoted my family's old motto bitterly, preparing to go down to the stables to greet our guests. Father's throwing a hunting party this weekend, and he invited Princess Isolde again. He's taking every opportunity he can to throw the pair of us together.

Seguin gave me a comradely grin and left me alone. As the door shut behind him, I let out a sigh, glad to have a few moments alone to brood, as my mother used to call it, before I had to put on a façade for the guests.

I glanced into my large mirror and spent a moment looking at my reflection, wishing I could avoid meeting the Princess again. A deep green tunic fell to my knees, cinched at the waist by a thick black leather belt. A black overcoat, semi-tight black leggings and black boots fitted my dark mood perfectly. Bright green eyes looked out from a somewhat surly face, a fringe of dark hair just brushing my eyebrows.

I looked about as happy as I felt; not very.

Resigned to a day filled with boredom and monotonous chatter with tedious guests, I left my chambers and made my way down to the stable courtyard.

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