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I felt like my body was burning. My desire for him was so strong, so uncontrollably strong. His lithe body wriggled beneath me as I kissed his navel again, and tickled him. I looked up at him with a grin, resting my chin on his navel.

"I didn't know you were ticklish." My fingers trailed lightly up his sides.

"Don't!" He yelped, pushing my hands away. He wriggled beneath me again.

Grinning at him, I slid my hands down instead, and began to unlace his breeches. My breathing became suddenly heavier as he watched me, lust in his eyes. I moved back, pulled off his boots, and began to slowly slide his tight breeches away. I slid my hands slowly down his skinny legs, feeling taut muscle beneath my fingers. His entire body was like that; slim, but lithe and incredibly strong. I reached up again and began to remove his under trousers, when a thought suddenly struck me.

"Have you done this before?"

Coda shook his head slowly, looking faintly embarrassed by my question. "Have you?" His voice was husky with yearning.

"Not all the way." I removed his under trousers and slid my eyes slowly over his delicious body.

He let me eye him greedily, looking self-conscious but determined. I slid my hand slowly up his leg, from his shin all the way to his hip, where I let my hand rest lightly. He shivered beneath my touch, gazing at me expectantly.

I felt his fingers scrabbling with my breech ties and tilted my hips to allow him easier access. He quickly unlaced my breeches and under trousers, and I lifted my hips to let him slide them away.

"Coda," I breathed his name, longing for more. My body felt like it was going to burst with pleasure, and he'd hardly touched me. He was watching me, a small smirk on his face. I rolled so that I was on top of him, taking him by surprise, and kissed him again. He lifted his legs to wrap tightly around my waist, locking me against his body. His skin was burning hot against mine; the friction was unbearable.

I drew back suddenly, unable to contain myself any longer. "Roll over," I ordered him, my voice rough with desire. He looked at me for a moment, his eyes uncertain, but burning with need, before he rolled underneath me. I straddled his hips, and leant up to kiss his ear gently, licking the edge of his ear, nibbling the lobe gently. I trailed my lips down his neck, nuzzling his soft hair for a moment, before I slowly moved down his back.

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