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"You love me too," he said. "I know you do."

I felt his hand on my back, and shivered involuntarily at his touch. "Stop it," I murmured. I tried to step away, but Dare's strong arms wrapped around my torso and pulled me back into him. I felt his soft lips gently graze my neck. I bit back a moan, and forcefully slammed my elbow back into his stomach.

He released me with a huff of breath. "There was no need for that," he growled, rubbing his stomach. He glared at me.

"I told you to stop it," I growled back.

He looked away from me, upset.

"Just leave me alone."

"I can't," he said. "I can't go back home. I don't want to go home; not without you."

"Well, you'll have to," I snapped. "I've got a new job now, and responsibilities. You, better than anyone, should know about that."

At my words, Dare sank down beside the fire, looking utterly defeated. I felt guilty for my words.

"I'm sorry, Lodareth." He didn't reply. After a moment, I went to sit beside him.

"I just... none of this felt real," he whispered. "None of it... Until the wedding. The priest was talking about marriage and life, and... It's such a long time to spend without the person you love. I never felt like it was real. I felt like I could get away from it, until the moment I was stood up there with her." He sighed heavily. "I'm so tired, Coda. I'm tired of fighting with my father. I'm tired of fighting against who I am."

"Me too," I said after a short pause.

He looked up at me, his eyes gleaming at my admission. He looked more hopeful now. "Let's go away together, Coda. Please," he whispered. He gripped my hand, hard, and pulled me closer to him. "We'll take the horses to Alnwick and then run away together."

I half-smiled suddenly, caught up in his enthusiasm.

"To Ryn's kingdom, like you said, or even further. To the white beaches of the far, far south, or the high mountains of the west. I want to see them all. With you."

"Let's go to Alnwick first. We'll deliver the horses and then we'll take things from there."

He grinned at me.

"I need to speak to the innkeeper about leaving, if we decide to go. And I need to wait for Devi to be brought down."

"So... I'm forgiven?" He asked tentatively, smiling charmingly at me. I looked at his hopeful face, and slowly shook my head.

"A little bit. I expect some serious grovelling."

With a strangled laugh of triumph, Dare threw himself on me. My growl of protest was swallowed in his mouth, and soon became a growl of pleasure instead. Dare's arms wrapped around me and firmly pulled me onto his lap. One hand twisted into my hair, tugging gently, as his tongue pushed into my mouth and began to play with mine. I moaned softly as he slid his hands over my back, drawing me even closer.

His lips worked their way down my neck, drawing soft groans from my lips. I lay down on my blanket beneath Dare's insistent hands. I felt his warm fingers slip beneath my tunic and slowly up my torso. I gasped as he gently pinched my nipples. He drew his hands away and quickly unlaced my tunic.

Forcing me to sit up, he pulled it over my head and promptly replaced his fingers with his lips. After teasing me for a few moments, he sat up and pulled off his own tunic. I ran my fingers slowly down his torso, feeling strong muscles tense with pleasure beneath his warm skin. I felt his strong heartbeat against my fingertips. He leant down and kissed me passionately, his bare chest pressing against mine, creating delicious friction.

I let out a soft moan, which turned into a yelp of fright when someone cleared their throat loudly behind us. Dare drew back with a growl of annoyance and rested his forehead against mine for a moment.

"I've told you before, haven't I, that you've got terrible timing?" He looked up and glared at Seguin.

Seguin shifted uncomfortably.

I squirmed away from Dare and pulled my tunic back on, feeling myself blush.

"I thought I'd just come and see if Coda had killed you in a fit of anger, sir," he said quickly. "Obviously... he hasn't. So I'll go now."

Dare sighed. "Bring the horses over, Seguin. We're going to Alnwick together in the morning."

Seguin disappeared obediently, and soon came back, leading Jamocha and his own horse, and carrying two heavy packs.

I got up and tethered their horses beside the four I'd brought from the inn, where they greeted each other amicably, before settling down to sleep again. Seguin threw a rolled-up blanket over at Dare, who caught it and laid it out beside mine.

"Go on the other side of the fire," I told him firmly.


"Because Seguin's right over there. And I don't trust you to keep your hands to yourself tonight," I said, smothering a grin at his expression.

He mock-glared for a moment, before obediently moving to the other side of the fire.

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