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I was awoken by my phone nonfiction go off, I let out a quiet groan and picked up my phone from the nightstand and turned it on. It was a text message from Michael.

I looked over to see Draco still sound asleep, his mouth was slightly open as he let out small snores which I found cute. I carefully removed his arms around my waist and got out of bed. I grabbed the first shirt that I saw which was Draco's hoodie, I slipped it over my head and headed to the bathroom.

[Texts: You | Michael]

M: Hey babe, wanted to let you know that I arrived in New York.

I read Michael's text as he sent an attached photo of himself standing next to the statue of liberty. I smiled to myself seeing him so happy, I quickly texted him.

You: That's great love, I miss you and can't wait to see you again.

I watched as he quickly began to type while I stared in the mirror to look at myself wearing Draco's hoodie, on the back it had Malfoy written and number 07 on the back.


I looked down at my phone as the notification went off, meaning Michael send me another text message.

M: I can't wait to see you too, just three weeks.

I smirked to myself as I had three more weeks with Draco and I should take advantage of it. I quickly texted him back.

You: Just three more weeks, it's late here so I'm gonna head to bed.

He send me a quick reply.

M: night!

I turned off my phone and went back to bed. I decided not to take off Draco's hoodie and got under the covers next to him. I stared at his sleeping form.

His hair was messy from last night. I felt his arms wrapped around me protectively and he opened his eyes.

"I miss you." He whispered placing a kiss on my cheek while I let out a giggle.

"I was gone for five minutes." I laughed while he let out a quiet whine.

"But that was too long." He complained, hugging me tighter.

"I had to answer someone," I said, looking at him.

"Let me guess, that amazing husband of yours." He mocked.

"Yes, my husband," I replied. "He is in New York and send me a photo of himself near the statue of liberty." He scoffed then he smirked.

"I can take you somewhere better than New York." He retorted while I got interested, I never traveled a lot ever since I got married to Michael only he was able to travel around the world without me and sometimes I believe he just didn't want me to come with him.

"Really? Where?" I asked. A smile appeared on his face and leaned closer to me.


My eyes lit up. I always wanted to travel to Paris after hearing how beautiful it is.

"Can we go?" I asked, excitement running through me. He let out a laugh and nodded.

"Of course my angel." He said. "We can go today."

"But Draco, we don't have plane tickets or I haven't packed my stuff," I explained while his smirk appeared again on his face.

"Darling, I own a private plane. You just tell me when we leave and I'll tell Aj to get the plane ready for us." My mouth hung open while he let out a chuckle. "My parents are rich since they own a company called Malfoy inc. so money was never a problem for me."

"Spoiled little rich boy." I laughed and he laughed along.

"If that means I could pleasure you with anything, not just sex." He stated then his eyes travel to his hoodie and he smiled. "That's my hoodie."

"It's so cozy and smells like you." I hugged the hoodie tightly around me.

"It looks good on you." He smirked, kissing my lips. "You can keep it, my love."

"Thank you," I replied and hugged his waist. "But I'll keep it somewhere where Michael can't find it." He nodded and closed his eyes.

"Later today we can go to Paris since the semester is over. This is my present to you." He whispered. I smiled at him.

I already love him.

I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep, I knew I'm starting to have feelings for him not just because he is good in bed but how caring he is but I'm not sure if he feels the same or likes the sex part.

I knew these three weeks were gonna be filled with memories with the person I love.


A/N: I hope you enjoy this chapter.

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