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I was currently seven months along, today Lory and I were shopping for baby clothes. Lory dropped Brielle at her friend's house.

"Y/N, look at this." Lory held up a pink onesie that read 'Daddy's Princess' I knew Draco would love it.

"It's cute," I replied as she gave it to me, I placed it in the cart as we continued shopping.

I winced when I felt a sharp pain in my lower stomach. I rubbed my stomach to soothe down the pain, this has been going on recently. I paid for the clothes as we headed to the car.

"Are you okay?" Lory asked, concerned.

"Yeah, I guess she is kicking hard," I replied as I gritted my teeth as the pain came back. "Ow! Ow!"

"Y/N, what's wrong?" She asked as she looked at Y/N.

"It hurts, I don't know what's happening." I cried out as I felt a warm fluid running down my legs as Lory let out a gasp.

"Your water broke!" She exclaimed. I began to panic as I was going into labor earlier, Lory began to drive to the hospital as the contractions got stronger. I was scared of what can happen to my daughter, she is two months premature. I began to fear for the health of my daughter.

Lory parked the car as she helped me enter the building. Once the staff noticed me they quickly placed me on a stretcher after Lory told them I was seven months pregnant. She followed me as they ushered me to the surgery room.

"Call Draco," I told her as she nodded frantically.

"I will." She reassured, pulling out her phone. "Everything will be okay."

I was placed on the bed as a nurse hooked up the machine. I was scared. I heard them talk about my daughter not being in the right position as another nurse placed a mask over my face.

"We need to deliver this baby stat, we don't have time to give her an epidural." The nurse said before looking down at me as a single tear fell out of my eye. "Don't worry Mrs. Walker, you are in safe hands."

I said something incoherent before closing my eyes.

Lory POV

"Miss, there is a small window across the hall that you can see into the room." She said. I turned and ran, asking various people where the window was until coming to a small room with a large window looking right through the room where Y/N is. I looked at the scene. Lights were bright, shining onto Y/N's body, and various surgeons and doctors surrounded her. Her hair was in a hairnet, and tubes were going into her nose. I could just about hear what everyone was saying. I leaned onto the glass, watching avidly.

I was on the phone with Draco as I told them what was going on and which hospital we were at. We hung up as I continued to watch what was going on.

"Lory." I turned my head to see Draco, Blaise, and Theo walking towards me.

"Draco, you're here." I sighed as his eyes adverted to the window.

"What happened?" He asked, worriedly.

"She began to feel contractions but she thought the baby was kicking hard until her water broke," I explained.

"Is she going to be okay?" He asked.

"I heard the doctors that the baby is in the wrong position. They need to deliver the baby early." I said as he ran a hand through his hair.

"She's only seven months along." He sighed as he continued to watch what was going on. We all were.

An hour has passed since Y/N was in the room.

Draco still stood watching Y/N. He hadn't sat down in the past half hour. Theo was sitting in a corner and Blaise was drifting off to sleep.

Draco watched avidly. All he had seen for the past half-hour was the doctors talking, a lot of moving around Y/N, and the surgery is performed.

"Guys!" Draco yelled, stopping the pure silence. We rose to their feet and looked into the surgery.

In one of the doctor's arms, was a small body. Even from the window, we could see it was pale and unmoving.

"My daughter," Draco whispered, eyes not leaving the small girl's body.

"Is she moving?" Blaise asked. We watched, as the doctors each spoke. The small girl didn't move.

"She's dead." Said Draco blankly. He finally gave up, letting tears slip down his cheeks. He turned and sank to the ground. We watched in.

"Draco Malfoy, look into the surgery now. She's not dead!" I yelled. Draco stood again and looked into the surgery. His heart almost melted. The small body of the baby girl, its little arms moving.

"My girl, my beautiful baby girl," Draco said.

We all heard the baby wail furiously, angry at having been taken from her mother's warm body and brought out into the cold room. She kicked, tiny limbs flailing, as she voiced her displeasure.

The nurses took her away to the nursery to do some testing.

"Congratulations Draco." I hugged him as the rest joined in the hug. After a while we all separate.

"I'm a father, my baby girl is here." He beamed. "Y/N is gonna be so happy to see her."

We turned our attention back to Y/N who was still unconscious, the gas still keeping her unconscious.

"She will be so happy to hold her in her arms," I replied as it gave me flashbacks of when Brielle was born but mine was less traumatic. I knew Brie would be so happy to meet Y/N and Draco's daughter.

Then it happened.

The noise that no one ever wants to hear, echoed inside the room and through the window.

Beep. Beep. Silence.

"Y/N!" Draco screamed as doctors rushed towards Y/N, they began to perform CPR on her. "No! No! No! She is not dead!" Draco started pounding on the glass. We all watched him break down into tears as he fell to his knees, sobbing heavily.

The room fell silent as I watched the scene unfold, Y/N couldn't die without meeting her daughter.


A/N: What did you think of this chapter? What will happen to Y/N? Will she be able to meet her daughter? I hope you enjoy this chapter.

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