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"I love you" begins by I, but it ends up by you. ― Charles de Leusse

The game was a blast

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The game was a blast. You played exceptionally well, as always. Amelia and I cheered the loudest as Neil tackled a player and you scored a point; ending the game 9-5.

Your jersey felt so right on my shoulders and Amelia was absolutely jumping with happiness once she found out you had given it to me yesterday night.

I fell asleep staring at it as it laid on the back of my chair, it helped me forget about the noticeable emptiness of my parental figure...

Kayla and her squad, however, were quite curious at how I had gotten hold of your jersey. Amelia rolled her eyes and flipped them off when they tried to ask me snarky and mean questions. I blushed heavily as everyone whispered about the piece of cloth that hung around my shoulders.

It was just a jersey! And I hated the way everyone practically judged me with those eyes following my very move.

But it was all worth it when you came dashing to me after the game and your face lit up like a lightbulb when you saw your jersey on me. I don't know what you were thinking but you picked me up and spun me around in the spur of the moment and everyone stopped to stare. The field had fallen silent and I coughed awkwardly.

Once you had realized what you had done you stepped back to scratch your neck, the faintest color on your cheeks as you mumbled an apology about the excitement and adrenaline of winning.

I couldn't fathom why you apologized. I was as happy as you were but I laughed it off as we walked back to meet your family who were all whopping your name. I didn't have a moment to think about why you would feel embarrassed to be seen with me when Desmond pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

I had one of the greatest times that day. You invited me to spend time with your family and I agreed after Desmond dragged me into your car without my consent.

Your mother had to be one of the warmest people I'd ever meet, her caring nature to her sociable ways; I was charmed at the least! She reminded me so much of my mother and I made a promise to never upset the woman who raised such wonderful sons. 

When she's spoke of Mom and Dad, only god knows how much I felt like walking away but I didn't and I felt proud of it. I know you would be proud of me if you knew too...

Your father was sterner but I could see the love for his family as he guffawed into his drink and scolded Desmond for his childish acts without a hint of seriousness. You seemed quite close with both specially your father who kept booming out, 'My son, the best player on the team! That's my boy!'

It made me think about where my father was, somewhere hundreds of miles from me. It made me feel lonely admist so much of love and excitement. You looked up just then to see the sliver of a frown on my lips and you slid closer to me.

"You okay?" You asked me as you slid your hand into mine under the table, rubbing my palm. I smiled and nodded as you grinned back and included me into the conversation. 

You didn't see but I saw your parents staring at us as they whispered to each other and I blushed as Desmond coughed, smirking into his cup.

 After dinner you dropped me off and waved until I closed the door. But I still couldn't let that lingering thought of Dad leave my mind completely. That's why Damian, I've decided that as soon as I came back from school I was going to call him.

 That's why Damian, I've decided that as soon as I came back from school I was going to call him

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 Hey everyone! How's the story so far, we're coming to an end. Only 4 more chapters to go.

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