chapter 2

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when i wake up from my nap i feel sick and see Luke on the couch in the tour bus across from the one i'm laying on. Luke is staring out the window and ashton is still driving and micheal calum are siting next to Luke. i moan and Luke looks over worried and calum smacks him. he comes over to me and kneels down and says softly "hey it's ok". i moan "i feel sick calum". he sighs and glares at Luke. Luke slouches and bows his head. calum gives me a water bottle and i take a sip and throw up. Luke quickly cleans it up and says "ashton pull over". he groans "where" Luke says doesnt matter just get us to a store or something. he does so and Luke jumps out and goes in and calum rubs my back. "whats going on" i mumble why are you mad Lukey". he sighs "he did something to you and you need to rest and recover" i sit up "what". calum sighs "just relax" i nod and lay down and Luke comes back with cleaning stuff and water and tylanal. i lay on my side and push the medicine away. Luke sighs and sits with micheal and calum sits in the front with ashton. i fall back asleep and we reach a hotel wile i'm asleep and Luke wakes me up. i walk in with them and go to my bed in the room and lay down. Luke looks at me worried and reaches in his pocket and holds a half empty vile of a white powder and throws it out the window and slams himslef on the wall and feels super bad about what he did.

a little later i feel a little better and me and Luke go for a walk in the park. we laugh and goof off. he playfully pushes me and i push him back. when we get back to the hotel me and Luke cuddle under a blanket on the couch. calum yanks it away and i chase him. i catch him and we playfully wrestle and Luke laughs. next think i know Luke has a hold of me and hugs me and i hug back. he takes me for a drive in the tour van. we go to the mall and we get icecream and go to the bookstore and have a great time. surpisingly he doesnt mind me in public with him. i almost forget what he did and being kidnapped and then out of no where he drags me to the van and gives me the keys getting in the passanger side. i start it up and floor the gas. i scream "whoooooo!!!!!!!!" he laughs and holds on tight. we drive a few blocks away and then i slow down.

we drive around for a wile and then i go to the gas station and fill up the tank. "thanks" Luke says sweetly and i start driving again. Luke gets an angry text from micheal that he ignores and turns off his phone. i grin and drive to the park and we walk around and i playfully push him and he does it back. i laugh and he laughs. i dart off to the equiment and he runs after me and catches me "ah!" i shout playfully and he laughs and carries me to the van and drives to a high hill and we can see buildings and lights fron it and he wraps an arm around me and i pull away and frown. he sighs "whats wrong" i sigh "nothing" and get in the van and he follows and i go back to the hotel and run up to our room and flop on my bed and Luke comes up. i pretend to be asleep and Luke throws a bucket of icewater on me and i jump up chasing him around the room and eventually give up. he laughs and i laugh go get changed and as i do so i let a tear fall knowing i shouldnt like him and i should be afraid and that he kidnapped me and yet i cant manage it. i then lay down and Luke sits next to me and holds my hand and i smile. he smiles back showing his sparkling teeth and calum pushes ashton and micheal away from us and sighs.

later on we go to the stadium and set up for a concert and i watch and cheer from backstage and have a ton of fun. Luke glancing over every few seconds. after the concert and everything me and Luke go swimming in the hotel pool. i'm only there because Luke insisted. after that i go to bed and sleep for a very long time and soon Luke goes to bed and the others follow.

in the morning i wake up to Luke singing lost boy and i join in and he smiles and i smile back and think 'maybe being kidnapped by Luke Hemmings wont be so bad'

kidnapped by Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now