chapter 5

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in the morning i stop yelling and then remember their concert and so do they. "we have to cancel" calum says uset and then i say "no you dont" they look at me funny "yeah we do Lukes in jail and we need a 4th person" micheal says and then give them a stern look "i know all your songs i can sing lukes part". ashton sighs "you cant play guitar" i roll my eyes. "look you can do without guitar for one show it's better than canceling and saying lukey is in jail" i say annoyed. the guys agree and we head out. the make up peaple want to do more than blush and powder on me but i dont allow it. i wear jeans and a t-shirt and we perform heart break girl, just sayin, long way home, daylight and amnesia. everyone is blown away and i hang out after the concert with the guys and talk to the fans. we tell everyone that luke is sick and since i'm helping them and know all their songs i got to fill in for luke.

i want to visit luke but dont and tell myself he's ok but little did i know he was far from ok.

at the police station.........................................

luke is super miserable. the other peaple taunt him and push him around. "hey look it's another pretty boy" a big man says as he walks over to luke. luke feels panic flare inside. the man pushes luke to the ground laughing and the other prisoners laugh too. luke lies on the ground embarrased and scared. he wants nothing more than to leave. he huddles in a corner on the far side of the room hugging his knees hoping they will leave him alone.

kidnapped by Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now