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This went somewhere way different than what I was thinking. Enjoy.

Bucky has you below him on your stomach and you're begging him for more as you feel another orgasm approaching.


Something wakes you. Again with this stupid fucking dream? What is wrong with me? You think. It's the fourth night in a row. New record. It was fun the first time but you're starting to feel a little creepy. Ever since James Barnes moved into the Avengers compound you've been having spicy dreams about him. Yeah spicy.

Okay maybe a bit more than spicy. Dirty. Filthy. You don't know why. Sure he's really hot but you haven't even talked to him.

You toss and turn for a few minutes and decide on a walk.

"Hey James." You say shyly as you walk into the kitchen. It's 2 in the morning and you needed some water.

"Oh! Uh hi! You uh you can call me Bucky you know." He fumbles with his phone stuffing it in his pocket. He's sitting at the kitchen island.

"Watching porn in the kitchen I see." You tease. We could make porn in the kitchen. I have so many ideas.

"What?" He blushes. "No! No! I uh- I'm just looking at stuff. Uh people." He screws his eyes shut. "I downloaded a dating app? I've been swiping for a bit." He tells you pulling his phone back out.

"Are we looking for anything in particular?" You ask as you sit down next to him. Now being extremely interested and slightly jealous.

"Not really. Someone to talk to maybe. I don't know. No one seems like anyone I want to talk to."

"That's a shame."

"Yeah not really anyone I wanna fu-sleep with? Either. Sorry. Probably more than you wanted to know."

"You don't have to be so vanilla around me. I have heard you talk to Sam and Steve you're not always so... polite."

"That's different. They're guys. I'm not supposed to talk like that to women anymore."

"Okay whatever." You roll your eyes and laugh. He's still learning how to be less 40s. "I'm just saying there's not a lot that can make me blush." He smirks.

"I make you blush." He leans closer to your ear and whispers "super soldier hearing." He tucks a tendril of hair behind your ear. "I know about your dreams. You talk in your sleep."

You're speechless. The thought of anyone especially him hearing you. It's actually mortifying.

"I- I have to go." You get up and walk quickly towards your room.

"Have fun dreaming about me doll." He calls after you.

What an ass! That was so damn embarrassing. Couldn't he have just kept that to himself? Especially since he wasn't going to do anything about it.

Or was that what he was trying to do and you ran away? Did you screw it up?

You climb back into bed feeling stupid, humiliated and cold.

A few days later

You've just finished your book and sat back on the couch. You've got the compound to yourself for the night everyone is on their missions. Unfortunately yours was canceled. Things changed and had to be reworked.

There's not much to do. Normally you'd hang out with Peter but not tonight.

"Mr. Barnes has returned." F.R.I.D.A.Y. Tells you.

"Shit!" You've been avoiding him since the night in the kitchen. You gather your things quickly in hopes of escaping. The numbers on the elevator count up quickly and you run. "Fuck!" You yell dropping your book it slides and hits the elevator doors.

Bucky Barnes OneshostsWhere stories live. Discover now