【 Chapter 5 】

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       Warmth seeps into my cold fingers through the thin, delicate porcelain teacup in my hands. The aroma of the sweet London fog gives a pleasant air to the brisk morning. It was pleasant, until I spot JoJo practically skipping past me on his way to the door. Annoyance creeps into my somewhat happy mood. "Where are you off to, JoJo?"

       Noticing my presence he turns around. He pauses for a while, considering if he should tell me or not, "I'm going to Annie's house. She said that since she'd seen my house now I should see hers,"

       Hmm, inviting him to her house is she? It seems the boxing match wasn't humiliating enough to lower her opinion of him. I suppose I'll just have to come up with another scheme to ruin his chances with her. Even if it he isn't interested in her that way, I still can't allow them to remain friends.

       "That sounds like fun," A sad smile forms on my lips, then I let my smile fade into a slight frown as look down toward the floor, giving the impression of loneliness and disappointment. Knowing how considerate he is, JoJo is sure to ask if I want to join him. That kindness is his weakness. I watch as he fiddles with edge of his coat in thought.

       "Hey Dio," Here it comes, "If you don't have any plans. . . I'm sure Annie wouldn't mind if you came along as well." He hesitantly offers.

       "Oh really? No no, I couldn't. I wouldn't want to intrude." I wave my hands feigning innocence.

       "You wouldn't be intruding at all Dio, I'm sure if Annie were here she would say the same." He assures me, with more confidence this time.

       "Well," I pretend to consider it, "If you insist." I get up and set my teacup down on a nearby table. We walk out the door, "I'm assuming she gave you directions to her house?"

       He scratches that back of his head, "Well, no actually. If we're going somewhere we usually just meet up at our tree,"

       Our tree? My eyebrows furrow, "Your tree? What's that supposed to mean?"

       Jonathan purses his lips and I internally scold myself. I can't let my emotions show, then he might not let me come with. He couldn't stop me from coming if he tried, but I need Anne to think he wanted me to come.

"Well, it's the tree we always meet at. It's actually the same tree where we first met." his happy expression returns. His face openly displays just how fond of her he is. The question is whether it's just a friendly fondness or a romantic one. Never mind that! Friendly or romantic, I can't let them be together.


       After climbing over a low wooden fence we clear a small grassy hill and the tree comes into view. Leaning against it's trunk is Anne Primrose, a bright yellow dandelion in hand. She holds it up to her face, smelling it's sweet scent. She looks up with a grin and waves at us, "Hi JoJo, hi Dio!"

       "Hello Annie." JoJo says when we get closer, "I invited Dio to come with me, I hope you don't mind."

       "Of course I don't mind. It's more efficient than one at a time after all." She replies, slipping the dandelion into her hair.

       The way she phrased that it almost sounded like she was planning on bringing me to her house as well.

       "That's true," I agree with her, "Efficiency is key when there are so many things to do in this life, isn't that right?"

"But it doesn't hurt to stop once in a while and smell the roses," she suggests, "Or in this case, the dandelions."

Now that I get a closer look, I notice something different about Anne. A small smile finds itself on my face, "Anne. You've got a little something,"

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