(8) Nice Save

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The rest of the day I could tell he was trying to talk to me. He would open his mouth but wouldn't say anything. Like he was scared of me; of what I would do.

When he tried to kiss me in the bathroom it honestly took all I had to not kiss him back. It was almost disappointing that he pulled away.

I offered for him to come by after school.

"Tyler?" I asked.

He looked at me in response, not saying anything.

"Would you like to hang out after school? We could go to my place."

He didn't say anything, so I added, "My mom bought pizza rolls."

He smiled and blushed, looking away.


* * *

After the sixth period bell rang, I led him to my car. We drove to the little convenient store and I made him get me the same drink from the top shelf.

He started to open up. He was smiling and laughing, sometimes even cracking jokes.

When we got to my place, nobody was there. My mom was probably still at the hospital, covering another person's shift again.

"Aww, you're house is so cute!" He giggled, ducking to get through the door frame.

We hung out in a little 'family room' with a tv and nothing else. We still hadn't unpacked (and frankly didn't know what we would use the room for.)

When we were eating pizza rolls on the floor, I rolled up my sleeves without thinking. The house was getting hot.

Tyler glanced over at me and nearly choked.

"What? What's the matter?" I placed an arm on his shoulder and he started to cry.

He gently took my arm in his hands and touched his fingers over the scars.

"Madison.... You didn't... Why did you-"

I took my arm away and pulled my sleeve down. "I don't do it anymore. I'm okay."

He nodded and went back to eating.

We ended up watching a movie.

I fell asleep on his chest against the cold floor.

"Nice save," I whispered to myself.

"Not for long." I replied.

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