Chapter 6

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Yoohooooo another chap yall. Hope you like it!

Passing out just by mere shock is definitely something you'd call an experience. On top of that, passing in and out of consciousness is also an experience. Having never done it before, the closest thing I could compare it to was going on the Pepsi Max in Blackpool (a ride in a theme park).

Goodness knows how to peice together someone braying relentlessly on your door in the middle of the night and not being able to answer it to being laid onto a stretcher with blue and red flashing lights dancing your peripheral. 

When I woke in full consciousness, I was in a small room surrounded by curtains. Was I in theatre? How am I hospital, theres nothing wrong with me? WHY AM I HOSPITAL? 

My head rocked like a ship on the water in the middle of a storm. The irridecent blurriness of my vision didn't help the killer headache. It felt like someone had punched me straight out. How hard did I hit my head? Damn. 

One curtain was opened and the metal scraped against the pole it was hung on. I cringed mentally. A flood of light entered without permission. I squinted and swore a string of inaudible curses. 

"Sorry about that, darling," a deep voice said. My vision was unnaturally blurry. I couldn't see who was speaking, "How's your head? Seems you hit it pretty hard?"

Hold on, nevermind my head, mind not calling me darling?

"I'm Nurse Esposito," 

I almost scoffed at his stupid name. 

"I'm going to put you on some painkiller alright?" 

I noticed a slight change of accent in the word 'painkiller' also wouldn't it plural? Maybe English wasn't his first language. 

I shook my head. I don't want any of his damn painkillers. Fuck knows what he'll give me. 

"Oh come on, it will... ease the pain,"

I found my voice, though it felt and sounded like a literal frog, "I don't want your damn painkillers,"

"How about some water? Your voice is little croaky?"

Water didn't sound too bad. I nodded. 

He handed me a glass. I sipped it, cautious it might sting my throat. I relaxed a little when the pleasure hit me. I felt the freezing liquid slide down into my stomach. I never felt so refreshed. I downed the rest of it. My vision cleared thankfully. 

Things were alot clearer now, but the more I looked the more I realised something was not right. The doctor was strangely good looking for a doctor and the curtains were ripped and stained. They looked like they'd just been put out from a fire. The light still was blinding. Now I understood why, it was made to look like the sunrise. It was a floodlight being shone in from just outside the so called theatre. 

That's when my heart began racing, not out of shock, out of adrenaline. My throat was stinging and I found I couldn't move. My brain went fuzzy all over again and I soon came to the conclusion that the glass of water was not just water. It had been spiked with something. And now, I knew when I would wake up it wouldn't be good. 

"Just relax, darling," the italian man said, "You will wake soon enough,"


"Good morning sunshine," a voice hummed, "Wake upp,"

I slowly opened my eyes. A man was leaning over me with his face very close to mine.His eyes were a brilliant blue, but they held a large amount of mischief and danger in them. 

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