Chapter 11 - White roses

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Based on information obtained in a bar that night, Emiko traveled to Munich in search of a young, most likely, student. She decided to search all the major universities first, and if she had not found him in any way, she would also search the smaller schools. She wasn't sure if she should look for this information again in very dodgy places or if she should blend in with the crowd as a student.

Based on her previous experience, she decided to approach the matter reasonably and blend in with the crowds of students studying at a given university. She also knew that she should also visit criminal and underground places, but... much less often. The mere mention of the last action where this rich-drunkard had teased her, made her feel disgusted. She couldn't quite believe that she had gone so far in her game just to get some information. After all, it didn't guarantee that it was definitely one and the same person.

When she arrived, she was aware that she should hurry. It was now early January, and students had only a month left until the summer break between winter and summer semesters, which she learned ran from February 8 through April 15. If she couldn't find the person she was looking for, she would have to spend the next two months waiting, and Emiko wasn't sure if she could handle it anymore.

It has just been one and a half years since she left Japan. The girl missed her home and her friends more and more, with whom she had not had contact since their last meeting. She realized that she could neither send a letter to them nor make a phone call, because it wasn't known for her how far the intelligence network of this young criminal was... What if he found out that someone like Emiko Tenma was currently in Germany? Although it was a one-in-a-million chance, the young woman didn't want to risk it and expose her loved ones to any danger.


Although she was determined and relentlessly searched for more and more information, fate again didn't want to favor her. To her worst fears, students's break began before she could learn more about the unknown young man. From January to early February, she searched only one of the city's two largest universities, and then began a long, tedious wait. Emiko used this time for part-time job and searching for information in various sources... even those at night, in the criminal underworld. So far, however, nothing more serious hasn't happened.

Finally, the summer semester began, and thus the girl went to another university. This time she went to the University of Frieddrich Emmanuel in Munich.

For several days she wandered around the university corridors trying to find someone who would know the subject. Finally, at the end of the week, a miracle happened.

While walking down the corridor at the university, Emiko heard a conversation between two people she had passed a moment earlier.

"...on other days, other students come to read to him, since he is completely blind. Hey, what do you think about that mysterious rich fat man Hans Georg Schuwald?" A girl of medium height spoke up. She had short brown hair, wore glasses, and carried books and notebooks under her arm. Emiko was mainly interested in the words "mysterious" and "rich".

"I don't know... I only took the opportunity, because he paid well..." A tall, black-haired boy with a backpack on his back replied.

"Have you heard rumors about him?" The two students stopped in their place, and the young Tenma began to browse through the notebook she was carrying with her that day, to being unnoticed. "They say that with one phone call from his property he controls the entire market in Germany. People call him Howard Huges from Bavaria. He has no family. He has no one close. And his fortune keeps growing. What do you think he's going to do with that money?"

"Who knows..."

"And there is an even bigger mystery. His second nickname is Vampire from Bavaria."

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