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'well what do you want me to do?!'

'i dont't know jake, maybe tell them to stop bothering us, period! or maybe you do think this is just some stupid competition, all so you can go back to being a jerk with them, and date daisy!' i yelled, my voice cracking

'i don't thi- wait, what? who told you that?'

i hesitated before responding, 'doesn't matter. so it's true then? that all of this was for you to win daisy over, and then quit?'

'no! ..i mean..yeah, maybe at the beginning. but i'm also doing it for us now! i would'nt have asked you to sing with me if that wasn't the case!'

'and then what? you'll stay? or does everything just go back to how it was before?'

'of course it won't! i could never treat you guys like that again. but.. i don't know. i mean, it's not a big deal if i quit the club after, right? the whole point of this was the competition. let's just...forget about all this and focus on that!'

'it's a big deal to me' i muttered, before taking my stuff and making my way to the door.

of course it was all for daisy.

why her? ~ a jailey fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now