Chapter 1: Accidents Happen

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1992, Harry

As Ron, Hermonie, and I walk out of herbology, we notice a group lingering nearby all talking and trying to see over each other.

'What's going on there?' Ron asks.

'Not sure,' I say before starting to move towards the small crowd.

'What's going on?' I ask Seamus, who's near the back of the crowd.

'Apparently, there are two sixth years that are repatching the whomping willow. Professor Lockheart is trying to stop them. Trying to say how they're doing it wrong. Taking all sorts of points from Slytherin, too.'

'Who are the students?' This coming from Hermione, maybe she's hoping to give an earful to someone about how to patch up a whomping willow.

'No one's really sure, one is from Slytherin, he's a lot like Snape too, except he actually shows more than one emotion. But no one recognises the other, can't even tell which house he's from,' Seamus finishes explaining. We all share a confused look as we start pushing through the people.

Once we get to the front, we realised what Seamus meant. There were two older students who could be spotted in the branches of the whomping willow redoing the bandages and repositioning the slings with an angry Gildroy Lockheart at the trunk yelling up at them. It seemed like the whomping willow didn't mind them being there, though. I start jogging up to the injured tree.

'What's going on?' Lockheart turns to answer my question, but before he could get any words out, the old willow started to sway violently, trying to hit me with its branches.

'Whoa!' we hear one of the students call out as they are thrown from their place in the tree, the Slytherin holding tightly to a thick branch. The teen that had fallen quickly got up, dragging me and Lockheart out of its reach.

He was strange he had deep (H/C) but bright hair that was put up oddly into a bun, with what looked like a golden wand with a strange hourglass thing on one of the ends, holding it all together, letting only his bangs in his face along with a stray strand; he had (S/C) skin and eyes that resembled (G/S).

'You have to let go!' He called back to his friend. The Slytherin resituating himself to be on the side of the branch with his back to us. He waited for the willow to swing low in our direction and let go. With a short distance, he fell on his back, rolled over, stood, and ran towards us, grabbing onto his friend's shoulder to help him stop.

Seamus wasn't lying when he mentioned one of them looking like Snape, but he didn't just look like Snape, He looks exactly like Snape.

'What is going on here?' We all turn to see Professor Snape and a first-year approach. Immediately spotting the two sixth years, he stopped.

'You have got to be kidding me,' all three of them said in unison. Okay, that was creepy. The (H/C/R) let a shiver go down his spine.

'That was so creepy,'

'Took the words right out of my mouth,' I finally spoke.

'Bloody hell, please tell me I'm not the only one seeing double,' this from Ron who just got up the hill, Hermione not far behind.

'I told you not to use it as a hair needle. Do you listen? Of course not!' The mini Snape said very sarcastic and irritated. Guilt washing over the (H/C/R).

'Sorry Sev,' he responded with a nervous smile.

'Could someone please explain what's going on?' The question coming from Professor Lockheart.

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