Spin The bottle

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Ethan crashes a party meeting an old crush. As the party was getting fun the night takes a turn.
[TW]: drinking. (1598 words)

(E) = Ethan's POV
(3rd) = 3rd POV


My best friend Andrew was recently invited to a party that I didn't know about. He came up to me telling me he accidentally got two invitations and handed one to me. The guy who was hosting the party was someone I knew fondly but I was never really friends with him.

I took the invitation without knowing much about the party. Technically I was going to crash a party I wasn't even invited to, I was only going cause I heard some of my friends were going there.

Andrew picked me up and drove me to the house where the party was taking place. As soon as I got out of the car, I could tell it was already one hell of a party. It was dark outside and the windows were lit up, I could hear people laughing and cheering inside.

As Soon as we got inside, I saw tons of people running around. I noticed a lot of them were holding beer bottles, which for some reason got me a little excited. Walking around I noticed people playing beer pong. I thought I recognized one of the men playing that but their back was turned.

"Hey Ethan!" I heard a voice yell. I turned around to see who it was. I recognized this person too. Mika, a girl I used to date. She ran up and hugged me, I hugged her back. "I didn't know you were invited" she giggled. I cleared my throat and chuckled, "Well, Technically I wasn't, but Andrew wanted me to crash the party."

"Oh..." Mika giggled.

I heard other people call out to her. She snapped her head back. "Sorry, Gotta go!" She ran back but stopped and turned around. "Hey" She yelled. "We're playing spin the bottle if you wanna join!" I thought for a moment. "I'll be there soon!" I yelled back. Mika gave a thumbs up and ran to her other friends. I wanted to hang out before I joined Mika and her friends. I turned back towards the people playing beer pong. I could've sworn I met the guy in front of me but nothing came to mind. The guy was turned around so I couldn't see his face.

I met up with Andrew again and we talked for a while before I eventually took my first sip of beer that night. Later that night, Mika and I talked again in the exact same spot we talked before. As soon as she left, I looked back into the room where other people were still playing beer pong. The man I thought I recognized managed to throw a ping pong ball towards the cup when it miraculously bounced into the cup. Everyone starting jumping up and the guys was throwing their fists into the air. He slowly spun around which gave me plenty of time to identify his face.

I knew who he was instantly. Mark, one of my friends who I might've liked for a while. I blocked that feeling from my mind a long time ago believing it to be wrong. But as I looked at him all the feelings I had about him flowed back. I just stared at him.


Mark turned around noticing Ethan staring at him from the doorway. "Like what you see, Ethan?" Ethan blinked, snapping back to reality. "Huh?" He said looking around. Mark giggled as Ethan's face turned red and he walked away.


I met up with Mika once more, walking in on her and her friends playing spin the bottle. "Took you long enough!" I heard Mika call out. Everyone was sitting in a perfect circle, a majority of them turned their head towards me as soon as I entered the room. I decided to join the game, sitting next to Mika. Mika was the only person I knew in the circle.

I never played spin the bottle but I knew how it worked. Someone spins a bottle in the middle of the circle and who ever it lands on, they kiss, one of the guys allowed a rule where you can kiss on the cheek if it's too uncomfortable. The game was fun for a bit. Girls were kissing guys and most guys were kissing other guys which was funny. More people started joining which let farther away from me having a turn. After a while a whole group of people entered the room asking to play. We expanded our circle. They all sat down and I instantly knew one of the guys. Mark...

We locked eyes for a second but I looked away pretending I didn't see him. We continued the game and even the new players got in on it. After a while it was Mark's turn. He crawled to the middle of the circled and flicked the bottle. It was constantly spinning, suspension filled the room. The bottle started slowing down towards me but it passed and hilariously landed back on him. The whole circled laughed. As a joke, Mark kiss his arm which made everyone laugh harder. Mark passed the bottle to the girl next to him who spun it next. I couldn't stop looking at Mark. He didn't sit far from me either.

"Ethan!" Mika said nudging my arm. "Hmm?"
I look around and see most of the people in the circle looking at me, even Mark. "Wha- Um..." I looked down and noticed the guy next to me handing me the bottle. They all saw me staring at Mark. "Looks like Ethan has a crush" I heard a guy sing. "Shut Up!" I said failing to hold back laughter. I felt my face turn red from embarrassment. I grabbed the bottle and looked at it for a second. It was my turn to spin the bottle. I swallowed hard as I crawled to the middle of the circle and spun the bottle. I was nervous, I just wanted it to land on someone I knew so it wouldn't feel so awkward. The bottle slowed down, I already knew who it was to land. I looked up at Mark right before the bottle stopped pointing at him.

Everyone in the circle started laughing and started yelling "Ooooo!" My face turned red as soon as Mark looked up at me, who was giggling but also looked nervous. I was afraid to move, so Mark crawled closer to me. We couldn't stop laughing. When I stared at Mark for a moment, I could tell that he just wanted to get it over with. I wiped my face and sighed of embarrassment. Just to make it quick, I grabbed his jacket and pulled him closer until we locked lips. I heard everyone else snickering. I pulled away and saw Mark's speechless reaction. I felt my face turn red as a smiling Mark crawled back to his spot. I handed the bottle to Mika who was still sitting next to me.

Ethan's reality hit him. He just kissed his crush in front of a bunch of people. Ethan tried to block what just happened from his mind and focused on Mika. Mark looked up at Ethan and noticed he was still blushing. After a while, Ethan still felt embarrassed and left the game to use the bathroom, Mark watched him get up and run out.

Ethan went to the bathroom and slowly walked to the sink. He turned on the water faucet and began splashing his face with cold water. He turned it off and began to feel better. He stared at the sink for a while before...


A voice startled him, he turned around and saw Mark standing in the doorway. "Hey..." Ethan said quietly, trying to keep cool. "You didn't look well when you left, you alright?" He asked.
Ethan got lost in Mark's eyes. "Uh...I'm fine." He said looking down. Silence fill the room. Ethan was too embarrassed to look up at him. "So..." Mark rubbed the back of his neck. "About what Happened...that was-" He paused. "Something."
He giggled. Ethan looked back up, feeing his face blush again. "God, I'm so fucking embarrassed." He said clenching his hair. "Don't worry, it's fine." Mark said, comforting him. "Besides, it's not the craziest thing that happened today." "Yeah, right" Ethan joked, rolling his eyes.


He stared at Me for a moment. We were quiet again. I couldn't tell if he actually liked me from that kiss or if he just wanted to play it off as a friend thing. I saw a grin appear on his face. "Wanna grab a drink or something?" Mark asked me. I felt my heart skip a beat. I could barely breath out the word "Sure." I hung out with Mark the rest of the night until the drinks I had really got to me. When it got late, I tried find Andrew so he could drive me back to my home but I couldn't find him, I tried to call him a few times but figured he must've been asleep. I was pretty pissed at the fact that Andrew never told me that he left early, it didn't make it better that was drunk .I could've sworn I passed out a few times at that party. One memory I remembered was me passing out on the floor, before closing my eyes, I saw a blurry image of Mark looking at me.

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