Too Far?

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Ethan is coming to terms that he likes Mark, but is he taking it too far? Over a kiss?
TW: none. [647 words]

(E) = Ethan's POV
(3rd) = Third Person POV

I returned home to Spencer jumping on me, he must've been freakin out when I was gone. I figured he needed to go potty so I got his leash and attached it to his leash. I left the house as soon as I got home.

As we were walking, I still couldn't stop thinking about Mark. Ever since we kissed over a stupid game, he's been so subtle. Sure, I had a crush on him for a while but I forgot about him later on. Ever since that party, it all came running back to me. Was that bad?

I felt a vibration on my side, completely forgetting my phone was in my pocket. I pulled it out, it was from a number I didn't know. I opened the text and recognized who is was from instantly. I read the text.

Hey, forgot to tell you. You also gave me your number last night lol
Just wanted to let you know that if you ever wanna hang out or something, I'm always free :)

I giggled a bit before texting back

Lol thanks man

God, how drunk was I last night?
Before closing my phone, I changed the number ID to Mark's name to remind me next time. I giggled a bit completely oblivious to the fact that I gave Mark my number when I was heavily drunk. It still made me wonder, what happened last night?

Yeah, he told me that we hanged out all night until I passed out completely but there was something else, and Mark seemed too embarrassed to talk about it. It was really bugging me. Did I say something or do something to him during my drunk rant last night?
Was that something the reason why he changed out of the blue? I Didn't question Mark about it though, I didn't want to bring it to the table if it was bothering him so much.

I walked Spencer back to my house and unleashed him. As I tried to relax and sit on the couch, Spencer pounced around me. I guess he really missed me last night.

~Later That Day~

The day went on as normal for me, hung out with Spencer, ate dinner, and recorded some videos just to pass time. The entire day, Mark was still on my mind. I felt like those characters in romantic movies or video games who have this HUGE crush on this guy to the point where they do crazy things for him. It was bugging me, to the point where I started picturing me and Mark together.

I felt like I as taking this a bit too far. Mark and I are really good friends, and have been for a while but ever since we kissed at a dumb party all my feelings for him came back. I had crushes on a lot of people before but they were never this intense. Besides, that party had alcohol and drugs and other bad shit. I was really drunk that night and I new Mark was too. That night had to have been the beer talking, right?

I felt like I needed a break and decided to talk a short walk, just around the street I lived in. I tired to focus my mind on something else. Dogs playing in the neighborhood, few cars passing by, kids playing in their yards, and the sky. The sky.

The moon was out but it wasn't as dark yet. The sky was a nice dark blue with tints of light purple. The sky looked gorgeous from from below, I started thinking about space, stars and the sun. It was something that did block my mind for a bit.

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