Outline (Warning: Spoilers lie ahead)

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Last Savior

The New World...

40 years after the death of Rick Grimes and 45 years after the fall of civilization, when a mysterious stranger arrives in the fortified town of Arcadia, Governor Donna Marten finds herself attempting to unravel his past and deal with her town's own threat alongside her Commander, Adrian, in the form of The Eternals Cultists terrorizing the region. However, as she learns more about the mysterious Stranger, she soon finds herself becoming entangled in a web of threats and conspiracy she is ill-prepared for.

Continuity: TV/Comic Mishmash - Rick's method of death is never outright stated when he's spoken of, Rick is mentioned as having met with The Governor of The Commonwealth, married Michonne and fathered a son, Carl and Judith are both alive and Daryl Dixon is mentioned. John admits eventually that in the midst of the chaos of the RSA-Commonwealth War, he is uncertain if AHK survived.

AF = After Fall

RSA-Commonwealth War

The Eternals War (The Trinity-Eternals War)

The Hunters War

The Marauder War

AHK (Alexandria-Hilltop-Kingdom)

The Commonwealth (Northeastern United States)

RSA (Reconstituted States of America) (Southeastern United States)

Alternate Title: Civil War



The Stranger/John Lewis, 56 (Alexandria, Formerly): A mysterious drifter who suddenly wanders into the gates of Arcadia at the beginning of the story claiming to be in search of his missing sister whom he further claims is immune, prompting his capture by Adrian and the rest of the AAF and subsequent imprisonment and interrogation by Governor Donna Marten, who quickly begins to realize that there may be much more to his story than he lets on. He claims his name is John and further claims to be from the Virginia settlement known as The Alexandria Safe-Zone. However, his facial burn scar and the baseball bats, angels, "N" and "S" tattooed across his body call more to question. As his story to Donna becomes clearer, it soon becomes apparent that he is being pursued by RSA Gen. Jerry Solmers and the rest of the RSA for reasons unknown.

Gov. Donna Marten (Arcadia, 55): The stoic, enigmatic and hardened Governor and leader of Arcadia, Donna has nominally been leading the settlement for 20 years since her father, the second leader and Governor, died, but The Council which she created to maintain more oversight has only been in existence for eight, having elected her twice for Two Terms, the second of which is soon ending. Donna is eager to train her children as her successors but fears the future as the settlement finds conflict with both The Eternals and now the RSA. Despite being a mother and acting as the main voice of order in Arcadia, she is shown to be incredibly ruthless and has hinted at a past as a Drifter not dissimilar to that of The Stranger. She holds a level of animosity towards The Eternals leader Rev. Percival not just for his violent attacks against The Trinity Alliance but also for murdering her husband.

Cdr. Adrian Grey, 35 (Arcadia): An orphan who arrived to the gates of Arcadia almost 30 years ago and was taken in by Donna and one of the children of the first generation born into The New World, Adrian serves as Arcadia's hot-blooded military Commander in the Arcadian Armed Forces, answering only to Donna and The Council, though in truth his only real loyalty lies with Donna, whom he considers a mother-figure and one of his oldest friends. Adrian notably led the Arcadian/Trinity Alliance military effort against The Hunters and the storming of The Forge that ended The Hunter War some years earlier acting under Donna's orders and considers her a tested leader because of it and rarely doubts her orders and opinions. A tested combat veteran, Adrian is skilled in survival, tracking and combat. He sees Donna as a mother and Jessie and Jamie as younger siblings, having grown up with them after arriving to Arcadia alone when he was still just a boy.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2021 ⏰

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