BATH, Age 6

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"Mommy?" Mel looked away from her cup of tea, to her 6 year old daughter, Jane, who was standing beside her. 

"What honey?" She asked in a soft voice. 

"Could I go take a bath?" 

“Sure. Let’s go make the bath for you,” Jane smiled and ran over to the bathroom. Mel chuckled and got up from the chair, and followed Jane. 

  Jane was already taking her clothes off, ready for the bath. Mel put the plug in, and then opened the tap, letting the water fill the tub. 

“Do you want bubbles?” Mel turned to look at Jane, who nodded. Mel grabbed the bottle, and added some of the soap into the bath.

“You can go in now,” Mel got up from the floor, and Jane got into the bath. 

“Are you gonna be okay alone if I go and finish my tea? I will be back after,” Jane nodded, looking up at her mother.

“I’ll be okay. Charlie is here to keep me company,” Jane looked at one of the corners of the bathroom. Mel followed Jane’s gaze, but there was no one. Jane had mentioned  Charlie before, and Mel just assumed it was Jane’s imaginary friend.

“Okay then… I’ll be back,” She left the bathroom after that.

  Mel went back into the kitchen and sat at the table, where she had previously sat at. She finished her tea in about 5 minutes. She could hear Jane talking to someone, and giggling. Mel thought she might be talking to Jack. The other children were visiting their grandma with Karl, Jane and Jack had wanted to stay home with Mel. Suddenly it became quiet. After a few minutes of silence, Mel decided to go check on Jane. She got up, and walked into the bathroom. She took a step inside, and let out a scream. 

  Jane was sitting in the tub, with blood smears on her face. Dark red bath water was peeking from under the bubbles. There was a bloody knife on the ground next to the tub. Jane was staring straight forward, with an empty expression, and not blinking. And she was hugging a bunny. A once cream coloured pet bunny, now covered in crimson liquid, staining it’s fur red.

  Jack came next to Mel. He looked at his mother, and then at the scene in the bathroom. Mel looked down at Jack. “Honey, go to your room…” Jack looked back at his mother, nodded, and left. Mel looked back at Jane. She walked closer to the tub. “Jane, honey, are you okay?” Mel asked, kneeling down next to the tub. Jane slowly turned her head to Mel. “Look at how pretty the water is, mommy,” she said, smiling a little. Mel smiled nervously. “Yea… Can you give Mellow to me?” Jane stopped smiling. “No. She wants to stay with me…” Jane looked at the water and the bubbles. “But she’s dead, honey just-” “She is not dead, mommy,” Jane kept staring at the water. Jane stopped hugging the bunny. She looked at it’s stomach. There was a huge deep cut. Jane put her finger in it, covering it in blood, and then showed it to her mother, and looked her straight in the eyes. “It’s pretty, isn’t it, mommy?” Mel rushed to the toilet and threw up. She looked back at Jane. Jane licked the blood off of her finger. 

  “Jane…” “Yes mommy?” Mel walked back to the tub and just grabbed Mellow’s dead body from Jane’s hands. “Hey, give her back!” Jane stood up in the bath. “I’m sorry honey,” Mel brought Mellow’s dead body outside, into the trash. She was gonna go back inside and wash Jane, and after that she’d call and inform Karl about what happened.

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