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Jane brushed her hair. She had just yesterday re-dyed it black. It really fit her. Jane was alone in her room, since everybody else was eating breakfast downstairs. Suddenly the door opened, and closed. Jane didn't look who it was, since she assumed it was Jack, her twin brother who he shared a room with still. The person approached her from the back and whispered in her ear. "Hello, cutie~" Jane backed away and turned around. Her 19 year old older brother. He was a creep. Baldon had always been like this. He acted like a pervert towards almost every girl he saw. He also didn't see anything wrong with acting like this towards Jane even after turning 18, because he had done it for years before. It was disgusting, since they were siblings, and especially now, because Baldon is 19, while Jane was only 14. "Go away... I need to get ready for school..." Jane tried ignoring him by continuing to brush her hair. Baldon got close again. grabbing Jane's waist. "Aw... I just thought-" the door opened, cutting Baldon off. Baldon backed away immediately.

"You know, what you're doing is wrong, and really disgusting, right?!" Cristiina, Baldon's twin said, and started dragging Baldon out of the room. Jane was glad that Cristiina was paying really close attention to what Baldon was doing nowadays. Without Cristiina, Baldon would be out of control.

Jane stopped brushing her hair. She grabbed her pocket knife. She felt like she would need to use it today. She just didn't know what for. She put it in her backpack, since she didn't have pockets on her school uniform.

Later that day, she was sitting on a school bench, playing with the pocket knife. She was bored. She didn't know where Jess was. Jess hadn't been hanginout with her for a few weeks now. She had also been ignoring her calls and messages.

"Hey loser," A voice called. Jane looked up. It was Jess. And behind her was Sally and Pip, Jackie's best friends. But Jackie wasn't there. Wait... Why was Jess with them? Why did she call Jane a loser? Jane was confused. She thought Jess was her best friend. Jane's thoughts were interrupted by a punch. Sally had punched her.

Suddenly Jane just tightened the grip on her knife, and just plunged into Sally's neck. Sally gasped, and coughed out blood. Jane pulled the knife back, blood showering from Sally's neck. Jane was in shock, so was everyone else in the hallway. Jane looked at Sally's now dead body on the ground. The lifeless eyes... The blood... It looked cool. Jane smiled. She actually did that. She turned to Pip and Jess, who were just in shock. Jane slit Pip's throat. Students, including Jess, were screaming. Jane liked the screams. Then looked at Jess. and grabbed her by the neck with her free arm. "I thought you were my best friend. But turns out even you hated me, just like everyone else. You used me, just like everyone else. I should be sad, but I'm not. I'm just angry," Jane threw Jess at a wall, and then stabbed her in the chest. She heard police sirens. She should've just slit Jess' throat too, would've been faster. But there is no more time. Jane started running out of the school, and she saw a girl with curly ginger hair smiling, and looking at the scene, and then at her. Was there another person like Jane?

Jane was running to her house. It was raining. She had to go and kill Jackie. If she wasn't at school, she had to be at home. Jane arrived, and ran inside. Her mum looked at her in horror. "Jane... What happened... What did you do..." Mel saw the knife Jane was holding. Jane was about to go to Jackie's room, but her mum grabbed her. "Hey, answer me!" Jane looked up at her mum. "Let me go!" Jane yelled and stabbed her mum in the stomach. She screamed and let go of Jane. Karl came and started calling 999, and Jane just gave up and ran back outside and started running towards the nearest forest. The forest was the famous Slenderman Forest, but Jane didn't believe in that. She didn't believe that Slenderman existed.

Jane walked further into the forest, stopped and sat down, leaning on a tree. What was she gonna do now? She didn't have a place to go. And she just killed people. She... Just killed... People... Killing... It felt nice... And all the blood... The sight of dead bodies covered in blood is beautiful... It's just like art...Jane laughed. Jane laughed more than she ever had. No one would hear her since she was in the middle of a forest, so she just let it out. She laughed until her lungs and throat hurt. She felt free. Finally... Finally free... It was an amazing feeling.

Suddenly she heard something next to her. She got up, and turned to look. A tall man... With no face.. Jane just stared at him. She wasn't scared. But she was confused. Slenderman was real after all? Jane knew she should probably run. But she didn't. She suddenly felt dizzy, fell on the ground, and passed out.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2021 ⏰

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