New Discoveries

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// I just wanna make fun of Alex's script, kay thanks.

             The following month of Toby's new school life had become more tolerable. Thanks in part by the contribution to Brian and his friends. They had been inviting him to lunch every day and the pale boy had felt less burdened by his need to mentally avoid others.

For as nice as it was to feel welcomed at lunch, Toby still had little to no social life outside of school. It was always straight home after sixth period and once he got home, the ever persistent loneliness crept back up into his mind, fueling his depression.

This was probably for the best though. The pale boy concluded that if he'd open up to the others, showing the real him. They wouldn't like him anymore. This much he was sure of.

Toby was in deep thought as he was walking home straight from class, just like any other day. So preoccupied that he almost missed the car riding up alongside him. It was only until the driver honked the horn that the brunette was startled back into reality again. He looked over at the passenger window, slightly annoyed until he noticed who it was inside the vehicle.

It was Tim, with Brian in the driver's seat!

Brian gestured wordlessly with an ever present smile to a curb that was just up ahead. Presumably wanting Toby to meet them there, as to avoid stopping the car in the middle of the street. The teen gave him a small but apprehensive nod and watched as the car sped up and parked safely next to the curbside, waiting for him.

As Toby strolled curiously up the road and towards the passenger's side of the car, Brian rolled down his window. "Hey," he greeted nonchalantly. "We saw ya walkin' by and just wanted to say hi."

Toby raised his scarred eyebrow but smiled at Brian's friendliness. His cheery mood was just too infectious.

            "Where ya headed by the way?"

Toby thought for a minute and just shrugged before answering.

"H-home, I g-guess."

Brian purses his lips, pausing for a considerable amount of time before looking over his shoulder to glance back at Tim. Tim didn't seem to catch onto the memo for a brief moment. When he did catch on, all the older boy could do was roll his eyes and shake his head fondly.

Brian turned back to Toby, smiling brighter.

"Wanna come with us to Alex's?"

"W-wait.. H-huh?"

"Ya know that student film he won' stop talkin' about? Well, Tim and I auditioned for it, so now we're going over to his place for a script briefing. If ya don' have anythin' planned, you wanna come join us? I'm sure he wouldn't mind."

Toby's eyes widened slightly at the offer. He had never been asked to hang out with anyone before, let alone go to someone else's home. It was a bit much to process so all he could think to say was, "You re-really au-ditioned for th-at?" Which earned a loud laugh from Brian and a snort from Tim.

"I wanted to help him out! The film doesn't sound that bad!"

Brian defended softly and took another moment to pause patiently for Toby's response. "Well?" He started again when the teen didn't reply, "Wanna come or not?"

Toby bit his lip, fiddled with his backpack strap, and cracked his neck nervously. A new environment that he wasn't familiar with? Disconcerting. Nonetheless, his mom and dad were still probably at work and it would be with people he was pretty familiar with..

Tim was about to say something but Toby beat him to it and nodded hesitantly. "A-Alright."

Brian cheered, and reached back to unlocked the car door.

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