Old Monsters

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        Tim had been carefully eyeing the exchange from across the room, ever since he heard that soda can explode. The older man could spot bullying in an instant, as he was no stranger to its horrendous nature. Still, Tim only elected to step in only— and only if —Toby really needed the help. Now, he feared he hadn't acted fast enough.

He watched passively as Toby shifted away from his guiding touch, turning swiftly around before Tim had a chance to say anything. "Toby, you okay?" He asked, gentle concern lacing his tone. However, the words died in his throat. The pit of his stomach sank further downward as the paler boy continued to stalk back towards the table of giggling teens.

Even now, time seemed to move painfully slow. Tim watched helplessly with a lump in his throat as Toby approached the ginger kid, snagged the back of his head, and slammed his face down onto his lunch tray. There was a beat of silence as the deed had been done, everyone in the lunch hub as quiet and still as a graveyard. The friends of the ginger kid sat there gapping, too stunned to do anything, let alone say something.

Toby held the ginger kid down for a moment more, it was only until he roughly rubbed his face into the tray did he let go. Toby made no move to head back to Tim, just leering over the kid in a haunting manner as the ginger sputtered and heaved smears of food gone to waste.

Tim couldn't see Toby's expression, just his straightened back and tensed shoulders. But the senior could see the freckled kid's as he whipped around to face Toby. In spite of his face being covered in the remnants of a meal forsaken, his hazel eyes were glazed and his thin lipped snarl spoke for him and his intentions. When the taller teen stood, he instantly took a swing at Toby.

'Fuck.' Was all Tim could think to himself, then all hell broke loose.

Tim couldn't move through the crowd of jeers and cheers of hormonal and restless high schoolers. The darker brunette struggling to push forward as whatever was happening seemed to pick up in intensity second by second. Tim had a heavy feeling about how this particular incident was going to go. However, shoving his way through high schoolers proved to be a process in itself.

So, having to quickly think on his feet, Tim spun towards the stunned table that occupied his friends.

"Jay, I'm gonna need you to get an adult, principal, counselor— anyone." He commanded.

Though there were technically four at this very table, Tim knew they had to bring in some school authority, anyone that the kids would listen to and respect, here— now.

Jay seemed stock still and petrified, he leaned over to glance over Tim's shoulder, trying to catch any signs of Toby in the crowd or an idea of what was actually happening.

        "Do you know what's—"

"No time, just—"

"But he could—"

"Oh Christ, go! Get going!"

Tim winced in sympathy as Jay flinched. But, now wasn't the time to be delicate! Even though the young man hated to raise his voice, someone had to act here. Once Jay found the courage to stand and try to find a route that was clear from the frenzy, Tim turned to Seth, Brian, and Alex. With pleading eyes, he urged them to see if they could try and push through the crowd and help him break up the fight.

On the surface, Tim probably shouldn't have been this worked up over a schoolyard brawl. It was just a petty fight after all— sure, it was a rare occurrence at this school but it wasn't uncommon. Alex gave him a very quizzical look that said just that.

Here was the problem though. If Toby was anything like Tim, he knew that this wasn't just a petty fight. Tim hoped he wouldn't be too late before either teen ended up hospitalized... or worse.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12 ⏰

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