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and after some days, everything is going as planned 

yeonjun and beomgyu entered your house at night no one is there except your father and brother you are in your bathroom thinking about how you gonna live your life now and then you just remembered that your mother love your brother too much and you have to  protect him when suddenly there comes a sound of SHOOT you are afraid 

you ran fast to your brother's room where your father's dead body is then you heard a sound of run and it's your brother beomgyu is running after him with a  gun and you saw that beomgyu is to shoot the gun when suddenly you ran and stand in front of you brother protecting him from the gun when beomgyu shoots you are too afraid that this is the end of your life when someone screamed and you waited for the gun to shoot you but when you opened your eyes you saw yeonjun in front of you screaming in pain 

*after beomgyu fired the gun yeonjun suddenly come in front of you* 

you shouted his name he is in pain you sat beside him and told him that he will be fine 

While you are talking to yeonjun beomgyu killed your brother you are now frozen and don't know what to do you told beomgyu to take yeonjun to the hospital while you will call the ambulance for your brother

ambulance came 

you are too afraid that lots of things happen in only one night your father is too rich so all the news reporters surrounded you to ask you questions when you got the news that your father and brother both are dead 

you tried to call yeonjun and beomgyu many times in your 21 attempt someone answered the call and said that he is dead 

the voice is not familiar and you start crying then after 2 years you are a normal girl working in a cafe and on that day it's Monday and Monday is your off so you are sitting in a park thinking that how in life anything can happen...while you were crying someone sat beside you 

??:  hey 

the voice looks familiar 

y/n: who are you 

you looked up and see he is yeonjun

y/n: what yeonjun 

yeonjun you know my name but how 

y/n: forgot me very good 

yeonjun: sorry but I lost my memory because something happened to me 2 years ago

y/n: oh we were best friend 

yeonjun: oh really 

y/n: yes...would you like to live with me 

yeonjun: yes why not my house owner is soo boring 

y/n: oh

after some days we were eating our breakfast when suddenly yeonjun sat down on his knees

yeonjun: y/n 

y/n: yes 

yeonjun: it's a little bit awkward but I wanna ask something 

I stand up from my chairs 

y/n: what it is 

yeonjun: I know you are an army and your bias is jungkook 

y/n: yah 

yeonjun: will...will you marry me 

(it's a ring in his hands and on the top of it it's jungkook's photo)

y/n: omg yeonjun thank you so so so much

yeonjun: btw your answer??

y/n: yes of course why not 




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