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Her entire family was gone, but I had promised I would be her family. But I guess true love just wasn't enough.
Clarissa Morgenstern was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Long, curly red that when straightened hung down to just above her cute butt. Standing at 5 foot nothing you would expect her to be quiet but no, that one had a temper as fiery as her hair. And her eyes, oh her eyes. They sparkled like emeralds, the lovely green would only get brighter when she was with her family. Her mom looked just like her, and her older brother looked just like her father, white blond hair and navy blue eyes. She used to smile all the time. Wide smiles that showed off her pearly white teeth.
But that was before the the deadly house fire. Her entire family had been inside the house, including Clary. I rember that night clearly. I had been sitting at my desk, writing music, like I always did on Wednesdays. I had been writing about Clary when she called me. I was happy to hear her voice and I began talking, but she yelled at me and told me her entire house was on fire and that she was trapped in her room on the second floor. I told her to stay calm amd clear of the smoke. I rushed to pull my jacket on and call the firefighters. I got in my car and sped off to her house. When I arrived the firefighters were there, and they told me I had to stay back but I wouldn't have any of it. I ran past anyway and raced into the house. I ran up the burning stairs all the way to Clary's room. I opened the door, burning my palm on the heated brass nob, and burst in. A rafter had collapsed on her and she was unconscious. I lifted the rafter, burning my self further and lifted her up. Rushing down the stairs I saw 2 more firefighters, each carrying an unconcious person. Where was the third?
I got Clary out of the house, amd laid her on a gurney, climbing in after her. We were rushed to the hospital where she would lay unconcious for the next 36 hours as they healed the burns and kept her alive with a ventalator. Over that time I learned that her fathers body had not been recovered at the house but when they went back later his skeleton jad been retrieved and identified as Valentine Morgenstern, Clary's father. Her mother had died in the ambulance, and her brother had died due to severe brain damage caused by the lack of oxygen. Clary was the last Morgenstern.
When she was better, physically, she accepted an art scholoarship to NYU. Meanimg she would be leaving me in Missoula Montana. I came with her to the airport, where she kissed me and told me the we should take a break. She wished me luck with my music I with her art. And then she left to New York. Where I would only hear from her, once more.

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