We've Got a Problem

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Lavender and Hermione were walking down the corridor to the hospital wing following dinner. Hermione didn't have much of an appetite but Lavender had practically force fed her, telling her best friend warmly: "Hermione you need to keep your strength up to look after Y/N."

The pair arrived at the infirmary entrance and were greeted by the two Unspeakables who look forward blankly.

Lavender stared at the pair, slightly confused, slightly unsettled, by their identical appearances and emotionless blank stares. Hermione tried to stifle her giggle at Lavender's reaction as she spoke clearly:

"Hermione Granger and Lavender Brown here to see Y/N L/N."

The Unspeakables continued to stare straight ahead before finally the one on the left replied, saying only:


The two girls looked at each other puzzled, Hermione quizzing the Unspeakables, asking:


"Negative" the one on the right repeated.

"We are both on the list to see him though?" Lavender asked confused.

"Affirmative" lefty replied.

The four stood there in an awkward silence before Lavender asked leadingly:

"And we cant see Y/N because....?"

She raised her eyebrows and rolled her wrists, almost begging the Unspeakables to provide a straight answer.

"Only two authorised visitors may visit the Prophesied One at one time".

Another awkward silence.

"So someone's already in there?"

Lefty answered:

"The Prophesied One already has a visitor. Only one more can visit".

"Who?" Hermione asked. She thought she saw all of their friends at dinner.

"All information relating to the Prophesied One is classified" Righty answered.

Good god this is frustrating! Hermione thought to herself as she squeezed the bridge of her nose. She noticed Lavender's face was going red and rubbed her best friend's shoulder before turning back to the Unspeakables:

"So one of us can visit him?" Hermione asked, trying to speak as calmly as possible.

"Correct" say lefty.

"Why didn't you just tell us that?" Lavender asked abruptly, clearly running out of patience.

"All information relating to the...."

"Yeah yeah we get it we get it" Lavender snapped. She appeared to be contemplating knocking the pair of Unspeakables over the head with a bedpan.

"Why do you even call Y/N that?" She asked in fury.

"The Prophesied One is the Prophesied One so we call him the Prophesied One" lefty replied.

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